Scarlet & Violet's ninth base set, Journey Together, will be released on March 23rd, 2025 in the West, so let's explore everything it will bring us.
Journey Together

Journey Together was inspired by Battle Partners, the Japanese set (“ バトルパートナーズ", originally) that was released on January 24th, 2025, in Japan.
This set was first announced at the 2024 Pokémon World Championships, held in Honolulu, Hawaii. Back then, Marnie's Grimmsnarl ex and N's Zoroark ex were the first few spoilers we got, as we discussed in this article.

Western Boosters

Japanese Boosters

Elite Trainer Box
Standard version:

This product includes:
- A set of 7 dice, including 1 coin flip die and 6 damage counter dice.
- 65 card sleeves to protect your cards featuring the theme of the box and its star Pokémon.
- 2 Plastic condition markers (for Poison and Burn damage).
- A collector’s box to hold everything, with 4 dividers to keep it organized, in the box's theme.
- A Player's Guide for this set.
- A code card for Pokémon TCG Live.
- Nine Boosters (considering the standard ETB), with 11 cards each - 10 are Pokémon or Trainers, and 1 is a basic energy. Each booster also includes a digital code for Pokémon TCG Live.
Furthermore, you'll also get 1 Pokémon Promo in each ETB - this time, you'll get an Illustration Rare "N's Zorua".

So far, there is no confirmation of a Pokémon Center ETB with all the usual bonus products, though that was the norm before.
Booster Box

This product includes 36 boosters for this set. Each booster will cost around US$4.49. The Booster Box includes 36 boosters, and will cost around US$161.64.
Booster Box: Enhanced Version

This is a special, exclusive Booster Box. When you get it, you'll get "AR" "N's Reshiram", which features this set's logo:

Blister Unitary Booster

These products cost around US$5.49.
Triple Packs

This product includes 3 boosters from this set, as well as two different promo cards, Yanmega and Scraggy. Each Triple Pack will cost around US$13.99.
Premium Checklane Blister: Rhyperior & Klingklang

Blister Pack

This product includes one booster from this set and one collectible coin. Each Blister Pack also includes a different promo card, either Yanma or Scraggy. They'll cost around US$5.49 each.
Booster Bundle

This product includes 6 boosters from this set, and will cost around US$26.94.
Build and Battle Box/Pre Release Kit

This product includes 6 boosters from this set, as well as a 40-card deck that focuses on one of the promo Pokémon also included in this set - which, in turn, features the set's logo on its border. It will cost around US$21.99.
Bonus Products
Hop's Zacian ex Box

This product includes 4 boosters from this set, a promo version of "Hop's Zacian ex", a "Jumbo Size" version of this card, "Hop's Wooloo"'s evolution line (1-1) in an exclusive foil style, and a thematic mini-poster. It will cost around US$21.99.
Rival Deck Battle


Destined Rivals will be released alongside the next base set in May 2025 in the same way as the other League Battle Decks. However, this set will focus on trainers like Marnie and Steven.
Journey Together: Cards Review
The last time trainers from the games and their signature Pokémon were featured in a set like this was in the Diamond/Pearl block:

And yes, I used Cynthia as an example because she'll be one of the characters featured in the next base set (scheduled for release in May 2025), Destined Rivals. We already know a bit about it:

The difference between Diamond & Pearl and Scarlet & Violet is that, in the old days, these "trainer" stage 1 and 2 Pokémon were considered "basic" Pokémon, and cards with "Rule Box" (the trainer's LV.X Pokémon) were considered "stage 1" Pokémon.
Nowadays, in the current block, these Pokémon have to follow their standard evolution line, that is, to evolve into their final form, their ex form, first they'll have to go through their entire, predetermined, evolution line.
Another important detail that many forget is that the evolved Pokémon must follow the evolution line of their Pokémon trainers! For instance, considering you want to evolve a Zorua into "N's Zoroark ex", you'll have to evolve it from a "N's Zorua"!

Now, let's see all the spoilers we got so far:
Pre-Release Cards

We can already speculate which cards will be featured in the Pre-Release kit:
Iono's Kilowattrel
2x Iono's Watterel
1x Iono’s Kilowattrel
2x Iono's Voltorb
1x Iono's Electrode
1x Levincia
1x Iono
N's Darmanitan
3x N's Darumaka
2x N's Darmanitan
1x N's Reshiram
2x N's PP Up
1x N's Castle
Hop's Snorlax
2x Hop’s Wooloo
2x Hop’s Dubwool
1x Hop’s Cramorant
1x Postwick
1x Hop's Choice Band
Lillie's Ribombee
2x Cutiefly
2x Ribombee
2x Lillie's Comfey
2x Lillie's Pearl
N's Pokémon
N’s Zoroark ex

Stage 1 Pokémon: it evolves from N's Zorua.
- Ability: Trade - discard one card in your hand to draw two cards.
- Attack: Night Joker (C)(C) - pick one of "N"'s Pokémon on your bench and copy its attack (you don't have to pay its original cost).
This Pokémon focuses on N's Pokémon. The best Pokémon you can play and copy is N's Reshiram because of its two attacks:

Let's see a few of N's Pokémon that Zoroark can copy.
N’s Reshiram

N's Sigilyph

N's Darmanitan

This Pokémon is exceptional against Ceruledge ex SSP 36.
N's Joltik

It is a great Pokémon to copy if you want to Paralyze the opponent's active Pokémon. Remember, Paralyzed is one of the strongest "bad status" you can give to your opponent's Pokémon.
Hop's Pokémon
Hop’s Zacian ex

- Attack: Deep Cut (C) - deal 30 damage to the opponent's active Pokémon and 30 damage to one of your opponent's benched Pokémon.
- Attack: Brave Slash (M)(M)(M)(C) - deal 240 damage, but Hop's Zacian ex won't be able to use this attack next turn.
This Pokémon will probably be one of the new attackers in the Archaludon ex SSP 130 deck.
Iono's Pokémon
Iono’s Bellibolt ex

- Ability: Electro Streamer - during your turn, you can attach one Basic Lightning Energy sv1 257 on your hand to any of Iono's Pokémon under your control.
- Attack: Thunderous Bolt (L)(L)(L)(C): deal 230 damage, but this Pokémon won't be able to use this attack next turn.
Lillie's Pokémon
Lillie’s Clefairy ex

- Ability: Fairy Zone - Dragon Pokémon are now weak to Psychic Pokémon (deal 2x as much damage).
- Attack: Full Moon Rondo (P)(C) - deal 20 damage plus 20 extra damage for each benched Pokémon (both yours and your opponent's).
This Pokémon will interact really well with Area Zero Underdepths SCR 131. With this Stadium, both players will have 8 bench slots instead of 5. That way, you'll deal 20 x 8 = 160 if your board is full. If both boards are full, you'll deal 320 damage!
This Pokémon will be critical for the Gardevoir ex sv4pt5 29 list, particularly with Mega Gardevoir ex, which was announced at the 2025 Pokémon Day. The Psychic archetype will become even stronger!

Pokémon ex
Volcanion ex

Basic Pokémon.
- Ability: Burning Steam - if Volcanion ex is your active Pokémon, the opponent's active Pokémon is "Burned".
- Attack: Heat Cyclone (F)(F)(C) - deal 160 damage, and you can also move one energy attached to Volcanion ex to one of your benched Pokémon.
This is a great support card for the Fire archetype.
Blaziken ex

Stage 2 Pokémon: it evolves from Combusken.
- Ability: Overflowing Spirit - at any point in your turn, you can attach one energy from the discard pile to your Pokémon.
- Attack: Burning Assault (F)(C) - this attack deals 200 damage, but Blaziken ex can't use this attack next turn.
Out of all the Pokémon ex left in the ex Starter Generations set, this is the only one that stands out. Its strong attack for just a few energies, and its ability, which lets you attach energies to your Pokémon, make it incredibly powerful. It also performed really well in Japanese leagues.
Salamance ex

Stage 2 Pokémon: it evolves from Shelgon.
- Attack: Wide Blast (R)(C)(C) - deal 50 damage to all benched enemy Pokémon.
- Attack: Dragon Impact (R)(W)(C)(C) - deal 300 damage and discard two energies from this Pokémon.
Regidrago VSTAR SIT 136 will rotate out of the Standard format in April 2025, but Salamance ex will be an excellent substitute. It deals a lot of damage (300), so you'll be able to Knock Out many stage 2 Pokémon ex, particularly with Gravity Mountain SSP 177.
Dudunsparce ex

Stage 1 Pokémon: it evolves from Dunsparce.
- Attack: Adversity Tail (C) - this attack deals 60 damage for each Pokémon ex on your opponent's bench.
- Attack: Breaking Drill (C)(C)(C) - this attack deals 150 damage, and isn't affected by any effects on your opponent's active Pokémon.
"Baby" Pokémon

Stage 2 Pokémon: it evolves from Metapod.
- Attack: Scales Cyclone (G) - toss 4 coins. For each head you hit, deal 60 damage, and, if you hit at least two, your opponent's active Pokémon will be Paralyzed.

Stage 2 Pokémon: it evolves from Floragato.
- Ability: Showtime - if this Pokémon is on your bench, you can swap it with your active Pokémon.
- Attack: Rising Blossom (C)(C) - deal 90 damage, and 90 extra damage if your opponent's active Pokémon is a Pokémon ex.

Basic Pokémon.
- Attack: Freezing Flap (C) - look in your deck for two Basic Water Energy sv2 279, and attach them to this Pokémon. Then, shuffle your deck.
- Attack: Ice Blast (W)(W)(C): deal 110 damage.

Stage 1 Pokémon: it evolves from Wailmer.
- Attack: Hydro Pump (C)(C)(C)(C) - deal 10 damage plus 50 extra damage for each Water energy attached to this Pokémon.

Stage 1 Pokémon: it evolves from Shuppet.
- Attack: Cursing Words (P) - your opponent picks 3 cards from their hand, and shuffles them back into their deck.
- Attack: Spooky Shot (P)(C): deal 70 damage.

Stage 2 Pokémon: it evolves from Metang.
- Attack: Wrack Down (P): deal 60 damage.
- Attack: Joint Beam (P)(P): deal 130 damage. If you have a Metang and a Beldum on your bench, deal 150 extra damage.

Stage 1 Pokémon: it evolves from Rockruff.
- Ability: Spiky Cloak - when you evolve this Pokémon from your hand, you can get two Spiky Energy from your discard pile and attach them to this Pokémon.
- Attack: Clutch Fangs (C)(C)(C) - deal 40 damage and 40 extra damage for each damage counter on the opponent's active Pokémon.

Stage 2 Pokémon: it evolves from Pupitar.
- Ability: Daunting Glare - if Tyranitar is your active Pokémon, your opponent can't use any Items.
- Attack: Cracking Stomp (D)(C) - deal 150 damage, and your opponent discards two cards from the top of their deck.
This is one of the best Pokémon from this set. It lets you control the game but is aggressive at the same, so it is incredibly versatile!

From left to right:
- Brock's Recruitment: look in your deck for two basic Pokémon or evolved Pokémon, reveal them and put them in your hand.
- Iris's Fighting Spirit: discard one card from your hand to draw up to 6 cards.
- Ruffian: pick one enemy Pokémon and discard a Tool and a special energy attached to it.
- Billy and O'Nare: draw two cards. If you have 10 or more cards in your hand, draw two more.

From left to right:
- Super Potion: heal 60 damage and discard one energy attached to the Pokémon you healed.
This is a "reprint".
- Exchange Ticket: count how many Prize cards you have left without looking at them. You can shuffle them back to the bottom of your deck, and then get that many new cards - they'll become your new Prize cards.
- Hop's Bag: look in your deck for two basic "Hop"'s Pokémon, and put them on your bench.
- N's PP Up: attach one basic energy from your discard pile to one of your benched Pokémon, as long as it is one of "N"'s Pokémon.

From left to right:
- Hop's Choice Band: if you attach this Tool to one of "Hop's" Pokémon, their attack will cost one colorless energy less, and deal 30 extra damage to the opponent's active Pokémon.
This card is perfect for "Hop's Zacian ex". With it, its attack, Brave Sword, will deal up to 270 damage!

- Lillie's Pearl: if any of "Lillie's" Pokémon under your control is Knocked Out by an enemy attack, and it has this Tool attached, your opponent will draw one Prize card less.

From left to right:
- Levincia City: during both players' turns, each one can get two Basic Lightning Energy sv1 257 from the discard pile, reveal them, and put them in their hand.
- Postwick: the attacks of any "Hop"'s Pokémon (under your control or your opponent's) deal 30 extra damage against their opponent's active Pokémon.
- N's Castle:" all "N's Pokémon"* in play (yours or your opponent's) have no retreat cost.
Special Energy

This energy is a sort of colorless energy.
When you attach it to a Pokémon, if that is your active Pokémon and it is dealt enemy damage, you can put 2 damage counters on the opponent's active Pokémon.
Final Words
So, what did you think of these products and the new set? Which ones will you get? Tell us your thoughts in our comment section below.
Thank you for reading, and see you next time!
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