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In today's article, I present another five budget decklists for Pioneer on the enemy-colors combinat...
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New mechanics, return of a Tarkir keyword, Count Dracula, a reprint of a multi-format staple, and mo...
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In today's article, I present five budget decks for Pioneer on the allied color combinations: Azoriu...
In today's article, I present five functional, mono-colored Pioneer budget decklists for you to use ...
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Thiago NileDeath
Today, we'll discuss Historic's recent bannings and take a look at what decks benefited from it the ...
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With so much talk regarding Alrund's Epiphany and whether it should be banned or not, let's analyze ...
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In this article, I delve deeper into the Izzet Dragons deck piloted by Yuta Takahashi to win the Wor...
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In today's article, I discuss the new Affinity variants with Alexandre Weber, also known as _agains...
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Eduardo Silveira
This article introduces a list to punish your opponents and reanimate their creatures with one of Mi...
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In today's article, I analyze the decks that will be played in the World Championship, commenting on...
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Today we'll talk about the three pillars of Innistrad Standard: Mono-Green Aggro, Mono-White Aggro a...
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If Faeries is Pauper's best deck, what strategies can we use to exploit its weaknesses, and which de...
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While you can buy packs if you like, you can start stronger than everyone else in ARENA if you know ...
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Pedro Braga
In this article, we present some new decks trying to make the best use of some Innistrad: Midnight H...
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Royale SuperCup is at the door! 10 teams will participate in this edition that brings 1,000 TIX in a...
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After a decade as the format's most iconic creature and the pillar of a deck that defines the Metaga...
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This article talks about the current state of Historic after Innistrad: Midnight Hunt.
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