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The Phyrexia Pro Tour happened over this weekend, from the 17th to the 19th, in Philadelphia! 217 pl...
news pro tour competitive pioneer
Atraxa, Grand Unifier has impacted all competitive formats. In this deck, she teams up with Soulflay...
Atraxa Pioneer Soulflayer Deck Guide
Raphael Martinez
Today, we'll explore a deck that uses the new prototype mechanic allied to Release the Wind to creat...
pioneer dimir deck tech sideguide
Gabriel (Raj)
In this article, we will continue with the reviews of Phyrexia: All Will Be One for the Pioneer form...
Pioneer Phyrexia Review
Let's test out the new Phyrexia card in a deck that never saw much play in Pioneer, but it just migh...
spoiler mono-white devotion pioneer
Dereck Duque Estrada
In this article, we'll discuss the Tyvar, Jubilant Brawler card spoiler and its possibility of fitti...
Standard Pioneer Phyrexia Tyvar Review
We'll discuss in detail the perfect Midrange to face the format's Aggro decks. We count with strong ...
pioneer angels deck tech sideguide
We'll speak thoroughly about Pioneer's more aggressive Spirits version, the version with the highest...
pioneer spirits deck tech sideguide
We have here a good budget alternative to get into Pioneer. Metalwork Colossus is an aggressive deck...
deck tech pioneer
Pioneer is turning 3! Let's talk about the format that has grown the most currently, its creation an...
Magic Pioneer Format
Daniel Cataia
Defeat your opponents with flowers!
Deck Tech Pioneer Lotus Combo
In today's article, we evaluate the ten most important cards released in 2022 for Pioneer and how th...
Pioneer 2022 Top 10
Phyrexian Obliterator will be reprinted in Phyrexia: All Will Be One, but is one of the most famous ...
Phyrexia Card Highlight
Pacto das Guildas
Pioneer is a very fun and diverse format, and also stars in the competitive circuit that leads to Pr...
Pioneer Competitive Guide
With The Brothers' War, Diabolic Intent is now legal on Standard, Pioneer and Modern. In today's art...
Standard Pioneer Modern The Brothers' War
Today we will review the new set, The Brothers' War, for Pioneer, highlighting the cards with the gr...
The Brothers' War Pioneer Review
Mateus Nogueira
We finally have a Gix card! But is one of Yawgmoth's most powerful praetors good enough to see compe...
Brothers War Gix Review
Reminiscent of one of the most powerful cards of the last decade and interacting with zero mana spel...
The Brothers' War Review