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Pauper: Glitter Bogles - Deck Tech and Sideboard Guide

Pauper: Glitter Bogles - Deck Tech and Sideboard Guide

Pacto das Guildas

In today's article, I'll discuss a version of Bogles that got me a trophy in the Pauper League, and ...

Pauper DeckTech SideGuide Competitive

Standard Deck Guide: Pink Hecarim - The Best List for Ranked?

Standard Deck Guide: Pink Hecarim - The Best List for Ranked?

Gabriel 'total' da Rosa

In this article, one of my best friends, "AerosMacCousland" (and one of the best Ephemeral players),...

guide standard hecarim

Upgrading Commander Precon - Deep Clue Sea (Morska, Undersea Sleuth)

Upgrading Commander Precon - Deep Clue Sea (Morska, Undersea Sleuth)


Today, we'll upgrade Deep Clue Sea, the Commander precon deck, using Morska, Undersea Sleuth as our ...

upgrade precon upgrade precon commander

Spoiler Highlight: Kappa Cannoneer and Ugin's Labyrinth on Modern

Spoiler Highlight: Kappa Cannoneer and Ugin's Labyrinth on Modern


Modern Horizons 3 spoilers started early and revealed two cards that can, together, revitalize artif...

Spoiler Modern Horizons 3

Upgrading Commander Precon - Revenant Recon (Mirko, Obsessive Theorist)

Upgrading Commander Precon - Revenant Recon (Mirko, Obsessive Theorist)


Today, we bring you a guide on how to upgrade Revenant Recon, the Murders at Karlov Manor precon dec...

edh upgrade commander precon

Pauper: Dimir Faeries - Deck Tech and Sideboard Guide

Pauper: Dimir Faeries - Deck Tech and Sideboard Guide

Pacto das Guildas

Faeries are still lurking around Pauper! Dimir Faeries is arguably the most popular version nowadays...

Pauper DeckTech SideGuide Competitive

Standard: 5 Decks to Play Best of One

Standard: 5 Decks to Play Best of One


In today's article, we present five Standard decks to play Best of One in Magic Arena before the rot...

Standard Decks MTGArena

Erastin, the Disgraced - 3 Decks with this Peculiar Card!

Erastin, the Disgraced - 3 Decks with this Peculiar Card!

Gabriel 'total' da Rosa

In this article, we'll show 3 rising lists from the ranked queue that bring Erastin, the Disgraced -...

highlight card decks standard

The Standard Post-Pro Tour Thunder Junction

The Standard Post-Pro Tour Thunder Junction


In today's article, we evaluate the impact that Pro Tour Outlaws of Thunder Junction could bring to ...

Standard Analysis Metagame

Standard Deck Guide: Transform Archetype - Road to Masters!

Standard Deck Guide: Transform Archetype - Road to Masters!

Gabriel 'total' da Rosa

In this article, I'll teach you how to play the 3 decks I used to get to Masters in 4 days. I only u...

guide standard decks

Standard: 5 Decks to keep an eye post-Pro Tour Outlaws

Standard: 5 Decks to keep an eye post-Pro Tour Outlaws


The Pro Tour Outlaws of Thunder Junction brought Standard's latest news and tech into the spotlight....

Standard Pro Tour Decks

Hearthstone Patch 29.2.2 - Review of all Buffs and Nerfs

Hearthstone Patch 29.2.2 - Review of all Buffs and Nerfs


On April 25th, Blizzard released one of the biggest rounds of nerfs and buffs in the history of Hear...

Hearthstone nerfs buffs

Black Lotus is sold for $3 million and becomes MTG's most expensive card

Black Lotus is sold for $3 million and becomes MTG's most expensive card


An Alpha Black Lotus with grading 10 was sold for $3 million this Monday, breaking the record for th...

noticia magic black lotus

Dreamlit Paths: 15 Decks to Play In the First Week of the New Expansion

Dreamlit Paths: 15 Decks to Play In the First Week of the New Expansion

Gabriel 'total' da Rosa

Dreamlit Paths is here! In this article, I'll bring you 15 decks I personally studied and strongly r...

guide decks standard new set

Yoshihiko Ikawa wins the Pro Tour Thunder Junction

Yoshihiko Ikawa wins the Pro Tour Thunder Junction


With Domain Ramp, Yoshihiko Ikawa defeated his teammate, Yuta Takahashi, in the finals of Pro Tour O...

pro tour standard

Online Casino Etiquette: How to Play Responsibly and Respectfully

Online Casino Etiquette: How to Play Responsibly and Respectfully

Cards Realm

In this article, discover essential tips for navigating the world of online casinos with grace and r...

etiquette responsibly respect tips Ontario

Mana Burn and the reason for removing this rule in Magic

Mana Burn and the reason for removing this rule in Magic


Discover the history and impact of Mana Burn in MTG and understand the reasons behind its removal fr...

mana burn habilidade regra

1xBet and Football Betting in Haiti

1xBet and Football Betting in Haiti

Cards Realm

Discover the exciting world of football betting in Haiti with 1xBet! From odds to tips, explore how ...

1xBet Haiti betting Caribbean football tips

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