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Deck Guide: Negative Jane (Pool 4)

Deck Guide: Negative Jane (Pool 4)

Tony Lucas

Meet and learn to pilot one of the funniest decks in Marvel Snap!

Deck Guide Jane Foster Mister Negative

New d20 dice morphs into D&D monsters

New d20 dice morphs into D&D monsters


Imagine your die becoming a mimic? Check out the latest Dungeons & Dragons and Dungeons & Dragons Ho...

dice monsters d&d dungeons and dragons

LoR: Dave Guskin announces (possibly) in-person tournament event and more

LoR: Dave Guskin announces (possibly) in-person tournament event and more


A recent interview by Dave Guskin, Legends of Runeterra's Game Director, announced the "mysterious e...

news lor tournament in person new card

LoR Meta Analysis - Patch 4.3.0 Post Rotation

LoR Meta Analysis - Patch 4.3.0 Post Rotation

Gabriel 'total' da Rosa

In this article, we'll discuss the actual state of the first few days of Legends of Runeterra's Patc...

meta analysis lor samira

Battle: The new card type and its potential in Magic's future

Battle: The new card type and its potential in Magic's future


Battle, the new card type in Magic: the Gathering, is finally here! Understand how this new permanen...

Battle March of the Machine Review

Glory in Navori: 10 decks to play in the new Set (Standard Edition)

Glory in Navori: 10 decks to play in the new Set (Standard Edition)

Gabriel 'total' da Rosa

In this article, we'll tell you 10 lists to play in the first few days of the new Legends of Runeter...

deck guide glory in navori new decks

Standard: Rakdos Reanimator Deck Tech & Sideboard Guide

Standard: Rakdos Reanimator Deck Tech & Sideboard Guide


By mixing a Midrange proposal with the plan to put Atraxa on the battlefield early, Rakdos Reanimato...

Standard Rakdos Deck Guide

Deck Guide: Bast Patriot (Pool 4)

Deck Guide: Bast Patriot (Pool 4)

Tony Lucas

Bast has given a new look to the well-known Patriot deck! Learn all about this new version and learn...

Patriot Pool 4 Deck Guide

Paupergeddon: Tournament Top 8 + Decklist (614 players!)

Paupergeddon: Tournament Top 8 + Decklist (614 players!)


One of the biggest Pauper tournaments happened this past weekend, in Italy! 614 players competed and...

News pauper mtg competitive

Flesh and Blood - Chicago Brawl: Top 8 and Decks

Flesh and Blood - Chicago Brawl: Top 8 and Decks


The first Outsider-legal tournament was a big one, and it showed a lot about what we can say is the ...

news competitive outsiders fab

Explorer: 5 Budget Multicolored Decks for Best of One

Explorer: 5 Budget Multicolored Decks for Best of One


In today's article, we present five budget decklists with two or more colors in Explorer, cover thei...

Explorer Budget Arena Multicolored

Three Top-Tier Poker Players With Magic the Gathering Backgrounds

Three Top-Tier Poker Players With Magic the Gathering Backgrounds


Did you know that some of the world's top-tier poker players also have backgrounds in Magic: The Gat...

player top tier mtg

Spoiler Highlight: Archangel Elspeth in Standard

Spoiler Highlight: Archangel Elspeth in Standard


In today's article, we'll analyze the new Archangel Elspeth in the current Standard, and in which de...

Spoiler Review Elspeth Standard

MTG: Where to find MOM card Previews? Content creators take the lead!

MTG: Where to find MOM card Previews? Content creators take the lead!


March of the Machine previews are just around the corner! Check out here a when and where to find pr...

news previews mom

Marvel Snap Review: Balance and patch 13.13 News

Marvel Snap Review: Balance and patch 13.13 News

Tony Lucas

Leech and Shuri pass by. Aero is impaired. Is the new token shop better? Let's analyze the situation...

Opinion Review Patch 13.13

Standard ONE: 5 Decks to play the Best of One

Standard ONE: 5 Decks to play the Best of One


In today's article, I present five Standard decks for you to explore in Magic Arena's Best of One!

Best of One Standard Metagame

How to Build a Custom Lottery Number Platform: A Guide to Lottery Platform Development

How to Build a Custom Lottery Number Platform: A Guide to Lottery Platform Development


Learn how to build your own custom lottery number platform with this comprehensive guide on lottery ...

custom lottery number platform development

How Hearthstone Opened the Road to eSports for Fans

How Hearthstone Opened the Road to eSports for Fans


Hearthstone, a digital collectible card game, opened the doors for fans to enter the world of eSport...

esports fans open hearthstone

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