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Tony Lucas
In this article you will get to know the best decks to guarantee cubes with the Pool 1 cards!
ranking pool 1 decks
In today's article, we analyze which decks make up Legacy's current tiers and whether any of them ca...
Legacy analysis metagame
In this article, we will review Seasonal history so far, and speak a bit about the winning line ups ...
competitive seasonal decks
Starter Commander decks are five different two-color decks that have everything you need to jump rig...
commander edh
Pacto das Guildas
Without The Meathook Massacre, will Black-Based archetypes keep its predominance on Standard, or is ...
Standard Competitive Decklist
Marcos Sobral
In this article, I present the best post-banlist decks for beginners in Yu-Gi-Oh!. They are relative...
Yu-Gi-Oh! Decks Beginners
The Night Hunter was released to LoR today and I've selected some very interesting lists with this c...
decks competitive vayne
The owner of the Arrow of Retribution arrives in LoR this Wednesday, and because of that I've select...
decks competitive Varus
The Starry-Eyed Songstress arrives to LoR this Wednesday and I've selected very interesting lists wi...
decks seraphine competitive
Pedro Fernandes
Check out the 4 best decks to get Legend after the release of Maw and Disorder, which changed the Me...
Standard Legend Hearthstone Decks
Are you lost with so many decks and don't know what to bring to Seasonals? In this article I'll help...
seasonals competitive decks
Each of these four decks lets you jump into Pioneer gameplay with everything you need to get started...
pioneer deck challenger
With Seasonals getting closer, I bring here the best decks of the season for you all to guarantee yo...
Competitive Ranked Decks
The new Standard is starting with everything! See 10 decks to get the season off to a good start, wh...
Standard Decks
Tabata Marques
A guide to understanding the main digital platforms for playing Magic, as well as their differences,...
Arena mtgo guide beginners
In this article, I will present 5 "cheap" decks, for those who want to start in the Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG, a...
Yu-Gi-Oh! Budget Tcg
In this article I bring decks with the new champions that are coming to LoR!
decks competitive lists
The new balance update brought quite relevant changes that are set to shake up LoR's meta. Check out...
meta decks update