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M.O.D.O.K:  Analysis and decks with Marvel Snap's new card!

M.O.D.O.K: Analysis and decks with Marvel Snap's new card!

Tony Lucas

In this article, I analyze M.O.D.O.K. and bring the best decks with him to play in Marvel Snap's new...

Discard Review M.O.D.O.K

New Game Modes in LoR: Unlimited and Free Decks to Discover!

New Game Modes in LoR: Unlimited and Free Decks to Discover!

Gabriel "Aerebi" Meyer

The Daily Rumbles will break the game's deckbuilding rules, allowing very different decks. Here you ...

competitive lor decks news

Flesh and Blood: Indianapolis Calling's Top 8 + Decks Overview

Flesh and Blood: Indianapolis Calling's Top 8 + Decks Overview


The first tourney after the banlist implemented on January 30th brings the first competitive outlook...

news fabtcg indiana tournament competitive

Deck Guide: Mage Aggro - Explode your Enemies with Spells!

Deck Guide: Mage Aggro - Explode your Enemies with Spells!

Pedro Fernandes

A deck that is surprising everyone in this set is Mage Aggro! Check out here how to play it and win ...

legend hs decks mage hs decks aggro mage

Marvel Snap: 5 Decks to get Cubes fast!

Marvel Snap: 5 Decks to get Cubes fast!

Gabriel 'total' da Rosa

In this article, we'll discuss the 5 decks with the highest cubes per match rates. Here, besides you...

guide cubes marvel snap

Pauper Metagame 2023: Dominating Decks

Pauper Metagame 2023: Dominating Decks


In this article, we'll analyze how Pauper is going this early 2023!

mtg pauper

Explorer: 5 Competitive Decks To Start Out in the Format

Explorer: 5 Competitive Decks To Start Out in the Format

Gabriel Almeida

Explorer is Magic Arena's eternal format which is "loyal" to the physical card game, that is, withou...

explorer magic arena decks competitive

01/05 LoR Hotfix Analysis: Which Decks Are Strongest

01/05 LoR Hotfix Analysis: Which Decks Are Strongest

Gabriel 'total' da Rosa

A hotfix has arrived, and if you're a bit lost regarding how the meta will be, come check out my art...

legends of runeterra hotfix meta

Commander: Ideas for Five-Color Decks

Commander: Ideas for Five-Color Decks

Pedro Braga

Ever wanted to build that super colorful five-color EDH deck? Today we unravel a bit of this Command...

Commander 5 Colors Decks

World Ender: Solving the Meta

World Ender: Solving the Meta


This article is aimed at presenting the situation regarding new champions and how the meta is shapin...

competitive expansion decks

Hearthstone Classic: Best Decks to reach Legend

Hearthstone Classic: Best Decks to reach Legend

Pedro Fernandes

In today's article, we'll look at the best decks for Hearthstone Classic!

Classic Hearthstone Decks

Deck Guide: Frost Death Knight - A Great Burn Deck!

Deck Guide: Frost Death Knight - A Great Burn Deck!

Pedro Fernandes

Today we will look at the most winning deck of the new class, the Frost Death Knight! A deck with a ...

Decks Death Knight Frost Hearthstone

Top 5: Best Marvel Snap Pool 3 Decks!

Top 5: Best Marvel Snap Pool 3 Decks!

Tony Lucas

In this article, you will find out which are the best decks to guarantee cubes with Pool 3 cards!

Marvel Snap Pool 3 Decks

Top 5 Best Yu-Gi-Oh! Decks in December 2022

Top 5 Best Yu-Gi-Oh! Decks in December 2022

Marcos Sobral

In this article, I present the top 5 decks for the December 2022 format. Check out how the lists wor...

Yu-Gi-Oh! Top 5

March of the Lich King: 3 Decks to start out in the new expansion

March of the Lich King: 3 Decks to start out in the new expansion

Pedro Fernandes

Today, I bring three of the main decks to make the most out of Hearthstone's new expansion, March of...

Decks Hearthstone Standard

6 Decks to Play from the Darkin Saga: World Ender Expansion!

6 Decks to Play from the Darkin Saga: World Ender Expansion!

Tony Lucas

In this article I bring decks with the new champions that are coming to LoR: Aatrox, Kayle and Ryze!

competitive decks

Pioneer: 5 Competitive Decks to Start Out in the Format

Pioneer: 5 Competitive Decks to Start Out in the Format

Pacto das Guildas

Pioneer is a very fun and diverse format, and also stars in the competitive circuit that leads to Pr...

Pioneer Competitive Guide

Top 5: Best Marvel Snap Pool 2 decks

Top 5: Best Marvel Snap Pool 2 decks

Tony Lucas

In this article you'll find out which are the best decks to guarantee cubes with cards from Pool 2!

competitive ranking Pool 2

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