Magic: the Gathering
One Piece TCG
Pokemon TCG
Legends of Runeterra
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Rafael de Melo
Bright Lights is already among us! Today, we'll discuss one of the most promising decks in this set:...
Dash EVO FaB
In today's article, we chose Tetzin, Gnome Champion as the star of this deck tech, in a deck with do...
edh deck tech ixalan commander
Gabriel 'total' da Rosa
In this article, I'll tell you about my journey from Platinum to Master in 3 days. I'll show you eac...
guide runeterra ranked standard
In this article, we'll discuss the 10 lists I most recommend to all players to test on the first few...
guide standard decks
Two days after the Smuggler's Copter unban announcement, Pioneer leagues are flooded with decks test...
Pioneer Unban Copter Metagame
In today's Deck Tech, we'll bring a Chaos deck that is truthful to the commander's name - Ian Malcol...
ian malcolm commander deck tech edh
In today's deck tech, we'll show you Indoraptor, the Perfect Hybrid, directly from the Jurassic Worl...
edh deck tech commander indoraptor
Marcos Sobral
In today's article, I'll analyze the newest Structure Deck: Fire Kings. Besides this, I'll give you ...
Review Structure Deck Fire King
Pacto das Guildas
Lost Caverns of Ixalan brought interesting changes to Standard. In today's article, I'll discuss fiv...
Standard Decklist Ixalan LCI
Rodrigo William
See the Obsidian Flames Scizor deck, where its attack is based on the number of opponent's Pokémon u...
Deck Rogue Scizor Obsidian Flames Standard
One Unfinity Goblin, one Caverns of Ixalan Commander Goblin and a Goblin Grandee walk into a bar... ...
legacy deck tech goblins
Learn how to play with Centur-Ion, one of the candidates for best deck in the format post Valiant Sm...
Yu-Gi-Oh Deck Tech Cenr-Ion
Check out this Gholdengo ex deck, a brand-new deck from Paradox Rift, which brings explosive, broad ...
Standard Gholdengo ex Dynamic Damage SV4
In today's deck tech, we'll show, directly from the Jurassic World Collection set, the latest Dinosa...
edh deck tech commander indominus rex
Izzet Phoenix has returned to the top of the Pioneer metagame as one of the best decks at the moment...
Pioneer Deck Tech Side Guide
Check out the cheap Scovillain deck, coming from Obsidian Flames. With its double Grass & Fire type,...
Deck Rogue Standard Obsidian Flames
We take a look at Paupergeddon Rome and how Lost Caverns of Ixalan impacted the Pauper Format.
pauper paupergeddon
Follow the Garchomp ex Terastal deck, coming from Paradox Rift, with the assistance of Lucario from ...
Pokémon TCG Garchomp Lucario Paradox Rift