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Magic: the Gathering
Pokemon TCG
Yu-Gi-Oh TCG
Legends of Runeterra
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Nat Almeida
Have you ever heard of split second? In this article, you'll find the top 10 best spells with split ...
split second commander top 10
Oops, my deck has no lands! What can I do? Well, I'll put everything I have on the line and combo on...
Legacy deck tech opps all spells
Free Spells have been the subject of some of the most controversial moments in Magic history and inc...
Free Spells Ranking Top 15
In this article, we present the ten best Burn and damage spells in Magic: The Gathering!
Top 10 Burn Mono Red
Marcos Sobral
In this article, I'll show you the top 10 best equipment spells in Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG!
Yu-Gi-Oh TCG Equipment Spells
In this article, check out the top 10 best fusion spells in Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG.
Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG Top 10 Fusion
Did you know some spells are better when your commander is in play? Check out this list with the top...
tier list commander spells
Do you want to upgrade your deck and get the most out of the creatures on your board? Check out this...
convoke freespell trivia
Cesar Cusin
You're part of a big event, the yearly Grand Rite, and it's time to gather materia from the Vortex t...
spellbook board game
In today's article, we ranked the ten best discard spells in Magic, based on their historical and ge...
Top 10 Discard Spells
Do you need help with card draw for your Commander deck, and want to try out some colorless cards? T...
top commander draw colorless
Check out our top 10 best black card draw spells for Commander!
tier list commander card draw monoblack
In this article, we'll show you the top 10 white cards to draw as many cards as you need in your Com...
top commander draw monowhite
In this article, we picked out the top 10 best consistency spells in Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG!
Yu-Gi-Oh Top 10 Consistency
Have you imagined if a commander doesn't go back to the Commander Zone and has its abilities "counte...
commander counter spells top commanders
Pedro Fernandes
A deck that is surprising everyone in this set is Mage Aggro! Check out here how to play it and win ...
legend hs decks mage hs decks aggro mage
Tony Lucas
Know that champion that you barely see in a deck, but their spell is everywhere in meta decks? Yeah...
ranking curiosities champions
Cards Realm
The transition from Magic: The Gathering to poker is a natural evolution for many players. While MTG...
gathering mtg spell card games