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If you like Tempo strategies and powerful threats at low cost, Dimir Terror is probably the right de...
Pauper Dimir Terror Deck Guide Tempo
My thoughts on the latest Pauper bans, the media adopted by the Format Panel, and the arduous need t...
Pauper ban analysis pfp
Tabata Marques
A guide to understanding the main digital platforms for playing Magic, as well as their differences,...
Arena mtgo guide beginners
Rodrigo William
We've listed a Top 10 Sword & Shield main expansions that are worth the investment before we dive in...
Pokémon tcg Sword/Shield
Tiago Fuguete
Sliver, the tribe with the most lords in Pauper is also a strong aggro? Let's compare and talk a bit...
Sliers deck guide pauper
The Initiative has finally arrived in Magic Online, and its impact on the competitive landscape has ...
Pauper initiative Metagame
Tony Lucas
With the arrival of equipment, Timelines decks have become popular, but which is the best list? We w...
competitive comparison timelines
Is Mono White Heroic a deck to have fun with, or can it still stay strong in the format? Let's asses...
pauper heroic deck guide
The return to Dominaria has brought us several new Legendaries to be our Commanders, as well as many...
Dominaria United Pauper EDH
Eduardo Silveira
An analysis of Dominaria United's preconstructed Commander deck, Painbow, with Jared Carthalion as i...
Painbow Dominaria United Upgrade
Pauper Commander's regulatory committee has banned Oubliette in the 1v1 variant.
Pauper Commander Duels Ban
In addition to the new mechanics and interactions, catch up on the latest releases of the Sword & Sh...
Sword & Shield Standard Expansions
In this article I bring decks with the new champions that are coming to LoR!
decks competitive lists
Gabriel "Aerebi" Meyer
The last Awakening champions are here: Jax and Ornn, to finish up the first equipment expansions ful...
expansion awakening first impressions
Dominaria United might not be the most impactful set for Pauper, but it definitely brings many usefu...
pauper dominaria united review
With the new Awakening expansion coming on August 31st, we will have 5 new champions. 3 of them have...
expansion first impressions awakening
A cheap essay writing service can be the best find for any college student. If you're pressed for ti...
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It goes without saying that both newbies and experienced gamblers are looking for the best online ga...
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