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Pedro Fernandes
"Páscoa" was crowned winner of Hearthstone Grandmasters Americas this weekend. Check out the decks t...
top decks hs hs grandmasters hs decks
Pedro Braga
Green is one of the strongest colors in Magic. But back then, it wasn't that great, and today I brin...
humor lists
Hamuda's report of his Top 8 placement on the March 18 Pioneer Qualifier, with info about starting h...
Pioneer Qualifier Report Boros Feather
Tony Lucas
Do you want to climb without a headache? If the answer is yes, this is the right article for you. Le...
deck tech competitive ranked
In today's article, we will bring the Hearthstone rotation, where the 2020 (Year of the Phoenix) car...
standard voyage to the sunkey city legend
Vinicius Sorin
Check out some of the best theories from players and the internet about Streets of New Capenna, as w...
rumor lore
Check out the Neon Dynasty Championship's Metagame, the first major event of the year, which will be...
noticia pro tour neon dynasty
In today's article, I analyze the recent Pauper bans, what we can learn about the format, and what t...
pauper analysis ban
Renato Castro
Dungeons & Dragons is going through the most considerable changes and controversies of the last deca...
RPG DnD D&D Dungeons & Dragons
Felipe Torres
Today's article brings a deck tech for Zaxara, the Exemplary, and commander with interesting abiliti...
edh commander deck tech
Even though it is one of the main formats of the Neon Dynasty Championship, Alchemy has stagnated in...
Alchemy analysis opinion
Antonio Carlos
Today, the judge Antonio Faillace presents the most recurring questions that he saw during Kamigawa:...
judge rules kamigawa
The metagame has changed a lot with the new mini-set in Hearthstone. See the 4 decks that are bringi...
standard Legend topdecks
In today's article, I present an analysis of the main points of what has been happening in Pauper si...
pauper competitive analysis
Our favorite card games have all evolved, but they are more exciting than ever before
poker cards
All the information you need to prepare you to start playing online Roulette Gambling Games
roulette guide
As the world gears up to fully adopt autonomous cars—a groundbreaking innovation—we can only expect ...
game auto car
Netflix recently admitted that the video game Fortnite is its biggest competitor. This post will bre...
games marketing advertising