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Magic: the Gathering
Pokemon TCG
One Piece TCG
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The new March banlist has been leaked! Several archetypes had their cards restricted, such as Runick...
news ygo master duel banlist
Gabriel (Raj)
Today we'll talk about Hammer Time its Azorius version, an aggro-combo deck that scares the opponent...
Hammer Time Azorius Deck Guide
A new datamine leak shows incredible promise for Hearthstone in the next few months, contrary to pop...
News hearthstone leak
The end of February brings even more news for all Marvel Snap fans. A new card is announced, a balan...
News new content datamine leak marvel snap
Rodrigo William
Get to know one of the most durable Pokémons from Expanded: Incineroar from the Sword/Shield: Silver...
PokémonTCg Inineroar Expanded
Wizards of the Coast announces details for another set, and this one is Commander themed: Commander ...
news commander commander masters product
The long-awaited Lord of the Rings set product details, schedule and more!
news product lord of the rings magic
Step aside, Phyrexia! It’s now time for March of the Machine to take the spotlight as Magic: The Gat...
News product new set march of the machine
Pedro Fernandes
Think you know everything about Hearthstone? Come test your knowledge of the game by taking a quick ...
hs quiz hs questions hs cards
Marcos Sobral
In this article, I'll present the 10 staples that are the best for the post-banlist advanced format...
Yu-Gi-Oh! Staples Feburary 2023
For years, Griselbrand was the absolute lord of the Reanimator. But now, at least in the Dimir versi...
Legacy Atraxa Reanimator
Check out the expansion's most valuable cards for competitive and collecting investment, plus some s...
PokémonTCG Crown Zenith Value
Atraxa, Grand Unifier has impacted all competitive formats. In this deck, she teams up with Soulflay...
Atraxa Pioneer Soulflayer Deck Guide
In today's article, we theorize about what may (or may not) happen this year after several announcem...
Theory Speculation Battle
Tony Lucas
In this article I talk about my experience with Marvel Snap, I talk about the "rivalry" between Snap...
OpiniãoSnap Economy LoR
The new Premier Play Announcement is here, and with it, a new updated calendar for all Flesh and Blo...
news competitive fab schedule
Gabriel 'total' da Rosa
A guide to take better decisions on your first buys on the Battlegrounds, along with explanations on...
Guide Minions Battlegrounds Tier 1
Casinos are great places to test your luck and enjoy exciting card games. Whether you're an experien...
card games casino best