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About Magic Burnout, Bank of America and our relationship with the game

About Magic Burnout, Bank of America and our relationship with the game


Bank of America's report highlighted the weariness and frustration that a portion of the community h...

Opinion Magic Burnout Bank of America

Deck Guide: Zed and Hecarim with their ephemeral battalion

Deck Guide: Zed and Hecarim with their ephemeral battalion


Zed and Hecarim together with the power of the forces from beyond! This duo came back at full force,...

Zed Hecarim ephemerals

cEDH - Top 10 cards from The Brothers' War Precons + Transformers

cEDH - Top 10 cards from The Brothers' War Precons + Transformers

Mateus Nogueira

We've reviewed the 10 cards we believe have the most potential for cEDH in The Brother's War supleme...

Review cEDH Transformers The Brothers' War

Find out which will be the last champions to come to LoR in 2022!

Find out which will be the last champions to come to LoR in 2022!

Tony Lucas

The Darkin Saga will have its final chapter in December and it will bring 3 new champions. Do you wa...

champions exclusive speculation

Report: Playing Kuldotha Burn into the Brazilian Pauper Nationals' Top 8

Report: Playing Kuldotha Burn into the Brazilian Pauper Nationals' Top 8

Ricardo Mattana

Ricardo Mattana presents his Brazilian Pauper Nationals Top 8 Report in 2022. Here you will find inf...

Pauper Report Top 8

Card Highlight: Diabolic Intent on Standard, Pioneer and Modern

Card Highlight: Diabolic Intent on Standard, Pioneer and Modern

Pacto das Guildas

With The Brothers' War, Diabolic Intent is now legal on Standard, Pioneer and Modern. In today's art...

Standard Pioneer Modern The Brothers' War

Explorer Review: 10 Best Cards from The Brothers' War

Explorer Review: 10 Best Cards from The Brothers' War


In today's article, we take a look at the top ten cards from The Brothers' War for Magic Arena's Exp...

The Brothers' War Explorer Top 10

The Brothers War: Top 10 Best Cards for cEDH

The Brothers War: Top 10 Best Cards for cEDH

Felipe Torres

A selection of the strongest cards from The Brothers' War for competitive Commander.

cEDH The Brothers' War Top 10

Standard Deck Tech: Lugia VStar - Theories & Possibilities

Standard Deck Tech: Lugia VStar - Theories & Possibilities

Rodrigo William

Get to know a little about the Lugia-VStar deck, one of Japan's favorite decks with 50% approval rec...

Lugia Pokémon Deck Tech Silver Tempest

Pioneer Set Review: The Brothers' War

Pioneer Set Review: The Brothers' War


Today we will review the new set, The Brothers' War, for Pioneer, highlighting the cards with the gr...

The Brothers' War Pioneer Review

Legacy Set Review: The Brothers' War

Legacy Set Review: The Brothers' War


Today, let's analyze how The Brothers' War impacts Legacy!

Legacy Review The Brothers' War

Modern: Top 5 cards from The Brothers' War

Modern: Top 5 cards from The Brothers' War

Pedro Braga

In today's article, let's review the five best cards from The Brothers' War for Modern!

Modern Top 5 The Brothers' War

Standard format: best cards from The Brothers' War

Standard format: best cards from The Brothers' War

Roger Schola

Today, we present the review of the most powerful cards in The Brothers' War for Standard!

Review The Brothers' War Standard

Patch 3.19 analysis: Is it the end for Seraphine?

Patch 3.19 analysis: Is it the end for Seraphine?

Tony Lucas

With the nerfs to Demacia and Ionia, it is very likely we will have Shadow Isles dominating the meta...

opinion balancing meta

Pokémon Villains - The 8 main antagonists of the franchise!

Pokémon Villains - The 8 main antagonists of the franchise!

Rodrigo William

In the Pokémon world, in the midst of so many adventures, there are also criminal organizations that...

Villains Pokémon Lore

Card Highlight: Gix, Yawgmoth Praetor on Standard, Pioneer & Commander!

Card Highlight: Gix, Yawgmoth Praetor on Standard, Pioneer & Commander!

Mateus Nogueira

We finally have a Gix card! But is one of Yawgmoth's most powerful praetors good enough to see compe...

Brothers War Gix Review

Pauper Set Review: The Brothers' War

Pauper Set Review: The Brothers' War


The Brothers' War is the last release of 2022 for Pauper, and it brings some options to power certai...

Pauper Set Review The Brothers War

Going Solo: The Best Single Player Online Games of 2022

Going Solo: The Best Single Player Online Games of 2022


Entertaining yourself on your own has never been easier than it is today! Here are the best solo onl...

solo player online

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