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In today's article, I analyze Pioneer's Dimir Rogues, played by SeventhProphet to reach Top 4 on las...
rogues dimir pioneer deck tech
In today's article, I present some deckbuilding process and card choices exercise through the lens o...
pioneer grixis deck tech deckbuilding
Pedro Fernandes
Recently, Hearthstone has innovated bringing new features for the best experience, in addition to ot...
hs 2022 introduction
Thiago Fogaça
A flashback of Pioneer's metagame in 2021 and its ten most-played decks throughout the year!
pioneer decks top 10
In today's article, I analyze the ten cards (or cards cycle) that had the most impact in Pioneer on ...
pioneer top 10 2021
In today's article, I analyze the Orzhov Vampires, Pioneer deck that had five placements on last Sat...
vampires pioneer analysis
In today's article, we dissect the Rakdos Midrange, deck that is showing impressive results on Pion...
analysis pioneer metagame rakdos
In today's article, we analyze the Izzet Control, which had two placements on last weekend's Challen...
analysis pioneer deck tech izzet
In today's article, I present eight Pioneer cards that are so powerful that it only needs one additi...
pioneer ban watchlist
In today's article, we dissect Selesnya Humans, Pioneer's new deck that made two places in last week...
selesnya humans pioneer
In today's article, I analyze the cards from the new set, Innistrad: Crimson Vow, focusing on their ...
innistrad pioneer review
In today's article, we dissect the Izzet Drake played by Daniel Schriever to win the Mythic Champion...
pioneer deck tech izzet
In today's article, I present another five budget decklists for Pioneer on the enemy-colors combinat...
pioneer budget deck
In today's article, I present five budget decks for Pioneer on the allied color combinations: Azoriu...
In today's article, I present five functional, mono-colored Pioneer budget decklists for you to use ...
pioneer budget decklists
Gabriel Nunes
This article brings a different version of Jeskai Stoneblade, entirely focused on responding to Mode...
modern jeskai competitive stoneblade
In today's article, I look at Pioneer's current Metagame, explaining how the format's top decks work...
pioneer decks competitive
Some games were well-known in the past and don't need a big budget to start
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