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The Broken Deck's Ultimate Price

The Broken Deck's Ultimate Price


Playing the best deck comes naturally to competitive Magic. But when it creates noticeable advantage...

broken deck bans pioneer competitive

The most nerfed champions in the history of LoR

The most nerfed champions in the history of LoR

Tony Lucas

It's time to kill your curiosity and find out which champions the Balancing Team doesn't forgive whe...

nerfs curiosities ranking

Pokémon GO TCG: Everything about the new Pokémon set

Pokémon GO TCG: Everything about the new Pokémon set

Rodrigo William

Check here for new information about the upcoming special expansion for the month of July (bonus: gu...

PokémonTCG Standart News

Reserved List: What it is and the Controversy behind it

Reserved List: What it is and the Controversy behind it


The Reserved List has saved Magic in the past, but it might be disturbing its future. Today, we'll s...

Reserved List MTG Opinion

Magic Tribes: The Pirates

Magic Tribes: The Pirates


This article brings the history of Pirates, their apparition on Magic's Lore and their presence and...

tribes pirates history

Top 10 Dragons in Magic: The Gathering

Top 10 Dragons in Magic: The Gathering

Aurélio Barcelos

In any fantasy game or story, Dragons are always an important race for storytelling - In this articl...

Dragons tribe opinion

Worldwalker: 10 decks to test out with the new Runeterra champions

Worldwalker: 10 decks to test out with the new Runeterra champions


The Worldwalker expansion brought us many new cards, check out some interesting decks with these new...

decks worldwalker expansion lor

Legacy: The Evolution of Izzet Tempo

Legacy: The Evolution of Izzet Tempo

Mestre PedroK

An analytical history of Izzet Aggro/Tempo in Legacy, from its roots in 1997 to today. We will talk ...

Legacy history

Pioneer: The New Bans and the Future

Pioneer: The New Bans and the Future


Winota and Expressive Iteration were suddenly banned from Pioneer close to the Qualifiers. How did w...

pioneer ban analysis

Disintegrate: Get the scoop on the polemic, interactions, and how to counter

Disintegrate: Get the scoop on the polemic, interactions, and how to counter

Tony Lucas

Annie's spell has been giving us much to talk about in LoR. This article gathers all the information...

Disintegrate interactions Counters

Commander Deck Tech: Tasha, the Witch Queen

Commander Deck Tech: Tasha, the Witch Queen

Eduardo Silveira

In this article we will discuss the possibilities of Tasha, the Witch Queen, one of the most iconic ...

edh tasha commander

AD Carry Quiz: Which is the best champion for you?

AD Carry Quiz: Which is the best champion for you?


The perfect quiz for your AD Carry mains or new players. Get to know which champion fits your style ...

quiz adc league of legends lane champion

Get to know the names of all the units which aren't visible inside their Cards

Get to know the names of all the units which aren't visible inside their Cards

Tony Lucas

Though some units have their names written in their cards, not all of them do. In this article you w...

curiosities units lor

Bard and Annie: First Impressions of the new champions

Bard and Annie: First Impressions of the new champions

Gabriel "Aerebi" Meyer

With the reveal season for Worldwalker coming to an end, we have the last two champions: Bard and An...

lor worldwalker expansion

Magic Tribes: The Lore of Faeries

Magic Tribes: The Lore of Faeries


Faeries are present in countless tales we know and in the folklore and mythology of some countries. ...

Tribal Faeries lore

Deck Tech: Tempo Pirates - Crush the Meta

Deck Tech: Tempo Pirates - Crush the Meta

Capitão Serket

GP/TF tempo deck is a list that shows up since the beginning of the game, great players dominate thi...

tempo removals pirates

Live Worldwalker: everything about the new Runeterra set

Live Worldwalker: everything about the new Runeterra set


Legends of Runeterra’s sixth set, Worldwalker, arrives on May 25th, 2022! Here you will see recent u...

set wolrdwalker

Hearthstone: How to create and build your own deck

Hearthstone: How to create and build your own deck

Pedro Fernandes

With every expansion start, players around the world create new decks and discover a new meta. In th...

decks hs voyage to the sunken city hs

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