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In today's article, I present five Standard decks for you to explore in Magic Arena's Best of One!
Best of One Standard Metagame
In today's article, I analyze how much Phyrexia: All Will be One affected competitive formats and wh...
Metagame Phyrexia Review
Festival of Legends has just been announced, and soon we'll have the latest Hearthstone set! In this...
Hearthstone interview set festival
Dereck Duque Estrada
Let's discuss the five most played decks in Standard post Phyrexia: All Will be One!
Standard One Metagame
Izzet Creativity is the new Combo-Control that rose to prominence after Reid Duke won Pro Tour Phyre...
Pioneer Izzet Creativity Pro Tour
Is "One Ring to Rule Them All" also "One Ring to Rule All Formats"? In today's article, I present a ...
Review The One Ring Modern Legacy
Fans noticed incredible printing errors in Phyrexia: All Will Be One oil slick raised alter cards, w...
news phyrexia:one misprint foil
Raphael Martinez
In this article, we will explore Pioneer's Mono White Aggro, the closer the format has of Death and ...
Pioneer Mono White Deck Guide
Can you imagine buying Magic proxy cards and they cost more than the real ones? This is happening wi...
proxy 30th preço
Gabriel 'total' da Rosa
This article is a Part 2 in the series that welcomes Refugees from other TCGs who are interested in ...
Pacto das Guildas
Phyrexia: All Will Be One brought good additions to Explorer. In this article, I will explore five c...
Phyrexia Explorer MTGArena
Amidst the various new releases and announcements, the details on the price tags of the Commander Ma...
news economy money cost mtg
We will talk about the Gruul Midrange or Gruul Vehicles, trying to understand which are the best gam...
Pioneer Gruul Deck Guide
In this article, you'll find 10 things to do when you're being held hostage by someone "Roping". You...
humor roping top10
In this article, we will review the Pro Tour and its main matches. We'll also look at its impacts o...
Pioneer Pro Tour
A new datamine leak shows incredible promise for Hearthstone in the next few months, contrary to pop...
News hearthstone leak
Benton Madsen made history when he arrived at the Pro Tour Phyrexia finals in his first participatio...
Pioneer Selesnya Auras Deck Tech Pro Tour
Pedro Fernandes
Think you know everything about Hearthstone? Come test your knowledge of the game by taking a quick ...
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