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MTG: Pro Tour Phyrexia Recap (Decklists, Standings and more!)

MTG: Pro Tour Phyrexia Recap (Decklists, Standings and more!)


The Phyrexia Pro Tour happened over this weekend, from the 17th to the 19th, in Philadelphia! 217 pl...

news pro tour competitive pioneer

Yu-Gi-Oh!: Top 10 Best Staples in Feburary 2023

Yu-Gi-Oh!: Top 10 Best Staples in Feburary 2023

Marcos Sobral

In this article, I'll present the 10 staples that are the best for the post-banlist advanced format...

Yu-Gi-Oh! Staples Feburary 2023

Legacy: Dimir Atraxa Reanimator Deck Tech & Sideboard Guide

Legacy: Dimir Atraxa Reanimator Deck Tech & Sideboard Guide


For years, Griselbrand was the absolute lord of the Reanimator. But now, at least in the Dimir versi...

Legacy Atraxa Reanimator

LoR: Top 3 Best Lineups to play in the Runeterra Open

LoR: Top 3 Best Lineups to play in the Runeterra Open

Gabriel 'total' da Rosa

In this article, you will learn how Legends of Runeterra's competitive tournaments meta works and th...

guide news

FaB's Premier Play : Complete 2023 Competitive Schedule (So far)

FaB's Premier Play : Complete 2023 Competitive Schedule (So far)


The new Premier Play Announcement is here, and with it, a new updated calendar for all Flesh and Blo...

news competitive fab schedule

MTG's next set March of the Machine: release date and products details

MTG's next set March of the Machine: release date and products details


Magic: The Gathering's next Spring set for 2023, and the prerelease is here, along with news of a mi...

news mtg new set march of the machine

Marvel Snap's Biggest Tourney: Top 8 Decklists, Format and Future Editions

Marvel Snap's Biggest Tourney: Top 8 Decklists, Format and Future Editions


Marvel Snap biggest tournament to date happened this past weekend! The community-led initiative gath...

news competitive marvel snap top 8

MTGO: After security concerns, Wizards announces 2FA update

MTGO: After security concerns, Wizards announces 2FA update


February comes, and with it, MTGO's efforts roll out too to keep the game clean of bugs and, most im...

news update security hacking

Sylas, Ekko and Nunu: Riot Forge announces Three New Games

Sylas, Ekko and Nunu: Riot Forge announces Three New Games


2023 brings more news for Riot Games fans! Riot Forge sets out to release 3 new games this year afte...

news game releases new games riot

Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Creates Origami Versions of Iconic Cards

Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Creates Origami Versions of Iconic Cards


True dedication and skill have moved this Yu-Gi-Oh! fan to build the most incredible paper creations...

curiosities yugioh origami

New Cards, Locations and Store Issues hit Marvel Snap

New Cards, Locations and Store Issues hit Marvel Snap


The 'Into the Quantum Realm' update carries on and with it, new cards, locations and store updates h...

news new cards new location

Pauper: 5 Decks to face the 2023's Metagame

Pauper: 5 Decks to face the 2023's Metagame

Pacto das Guildas

In this article, we discuss five decks that are on the rise against Pauper's current Metagame!

Pauper Decks Metagame

Yu-Gi-Oh! - 4 Budget Decks to play in 2023

Yu-Gi-Oh! - 4 Budget Decks to play in 2023

Marcos Sobral

In this article, I will present 4 “cheap” decks of the advanced format, for you, who want to start i...

Yu-Gi-Oh! Budget TCG

Patch 25.4: Hearthstone's New Update brings New Cards, Mechanics and more!

Patch 25.4: Hearthstone's New Update brings New Cards, Mechanics and more!


Hearthstone's new update comes in with 38 new cards from the mini-set, "Return to Naxxaramas", updat...

news hearthstone mini-set arena

Gideon Hot Pockets and Lovesac Beanbag : Magic's 30th Anniversary products

Gideon Hot Pockets and Lovesac Beanbag : Magic's 30th Anniversary products


New collab between Lovesac, Hot Pockets and Wizards brings two new exciting products for fans of the...

news MTG 30th Anniversary products

Magic's 30th Anniversary: Thirty cards that made history

Magic's 30th Anniversary: Thirty cards that made history


As part of Magic: The Gathering's 30th anniversary celebration, we've put together 30 cards that mad...

Magic 30th Anniversary Cards

Marvel Snap: February 2023 Bundles Review

Marvel Snap: February 2023 Bundles Review

Tony Lucas

Which of the new bundles is most worth buying? That's what you'll discover in this article!

Review Bundles Feburary 2023

LoR: Secret mechanic was sneaked in!

LoR: Secret mechanic was sneaked in!


A Reddit user noticed a secret mechanic that was sneaked in a recent Patch. Take advantage of this n...

news mechanic lor

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