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Flesh and Blood
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Today, I present a draft guide for Streets of New Capenna, focused on allied color bases and the mai...
Limited draft new capenna
Rodrigo William
Check here for new information about the upcoming special expansion for the month of July (bonus: gu...
PokémonTCG Standart News
The June 2022 Superdrop has been released! There are 6 drops with several cards with new arts in nor...
secret lair superdrop drop
The Worldwalker expansion brought us many new cards, check out some interesting decks with these new...
decks worldwalker expansion lor
Winota and Expressive Iteration were suddenly banned from Pioneer close to the Qualifiers. How did w...
pioneer ban analysis
Gabriel "Aerebi" Meyer
With the reveal season for Worldwalker coming to an end, we have the last two champions: Bard and An...
lor worldwalker expansion
Legends of Runeterra’s sixth set, Worldwalker, arrives on May 25th, 2022! Here you will see recent u...
set wolrdwalker
In today's article, I analyze how much Streets of New Capenna has changed Standard, I present the ma...
analysis metagame standard
Lucas Izumi
Evelyn has quickly become one of the most popular cards in Nova Capenna due to the flexibility it pr...
commander new capenna deck tech
50% of the revenue from the new Secret Lair will be donated directly to The Trevor Project, the larg...
news secret lair LGBTQIA+
Felipe Torres
In this Top 10, I evaluate the best Streets of New Capenna cards for competitive Commander!
Top 10 cEDH New Capenna
Pedro Braga
In this article, we bring the best cards from Streets of New Capenna for Modern, from powerful tools...
modern new capenna review
Thiago NileDeath
This article brings an analysis of the best cards from Streets of New Capenna for Standard, and how ...
standard new capenna
This article brings a review of the new set to PDH, exploring possibilities for new decks and the mo...
Pauper EDH New Capenna
Gabriel Singh
Learn how to play the new Classic TCG from New Zealand. Flesh and Blood is a game in which two heroe...
how to play new player new learn
Wizards has announced a new format in Magic Arena, Explorer. In this article, I explain everything a...
arena explorer analysis
In today's article, I present the most interesting Streets of New Capenna cards for Pioneer, and the...
Pioneer review new capenna
This will be your new go-to guide if you’re looking for the best web casino platform in Canada
casino review