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Magic: the Gathering
Pokemon TCG
Flesh and Blood
One Piece TCG
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Nat Almeida
Would you be one of the lucky few that comes out unharmed, or one of the unlucky compleated? Answer ...
quiz magic lore new phyrexia praetor
Rodrigo William
Discover the combination of Absol from Sun/Moon: Guardians Rising with Hydreigon from Sword/Shield: ...
Absol PokémonTCG Expanded
Tony Lucas
This article gathers all the information we have about this possible new exclusive LoR champion!
Leaks Theories Champions
Pedro Fernandes
Today, we'll talk about Blood Death Knight, one of the most popular and promising decks of the new e...
Deck Guide Death Knight Hearthstone
Today, I bring three of the main decks to make the most out of Hearthstone's new expansion, March of...
Decks Hearthstone Standard
Follow the October releases of Pokémon products here and preview what's coming in November, with new...
pokémontcg new products
The 999 dolar box will come with 4 booster packs of 15 cards each, being able to open a black lotus ...
beta cards booster
The court is in session! The Cards Realm jury will judge the 35 cards from the Maw and Disorder mini...
Hearthstone Review Mini Set
My thoughts on the latest Pauper bans, the media adopted by the Format Panel, and the arduous need t...
Pauper ban analysis pfp
Natan Pires
Another crossover is approaching. After merging with Dungeons & Dragons, Magic joins Warhammer 40,00...
news warhammer commander
Leandro Lopes
In this article, we have gathered the information we could find about the card game based on charact...
card games news lorcana disney
Everything about the new "ex" card mechanics that were unveiled at the London World Cup, which will ...
new mechanic tcg2023 guide
In this article I bring decks with the new champions that are coming to LoR!
decks competitive lists
Gabriel "Aerebi" Meyer
The last Awakening champions are here: Jax and Ornn, to finish up the first equipment expansions ful...
expansion awakening first impressions
It was released today, and without fanfare, a vinyl record with songs inspired by the D&D Spelljamme...
news music Dungeons & Dragons
Check out 10 new decks with the new Legends of Runeterra champions.
gwen evelynn kai’sa lor forcesfrombeyond deck
Felipe Souza
Get to know Pokémon TCG Online: Play and Earn New Cards and Boosters for Free! It is possible to tra...
online guide pokemontcg guide
There are different ways to use to make online casinos a success. But before that, you need to attra...
new online players