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In today's article, I analyze how much Streets of New Capenna has changed Standard, I present the ma...
analysis metagame standard
Lucas Izumi
Evelyn has quickly become one of the most popular cards in Nova Capenna due to the flexibility it pr...
commander new capenna deck tech
In today's article, we'll look at 10 deck techs from 10 different tribes and, as a bonus, a deck ins...
Pauper EDH tribes decoklust
Eduardo Silveira
A breakdown of the Streets of New Capenna: Riveteers Rampage preconstructed deck commanded by Henzie...
Riveteers precon commander upgrade
Raphael Martinez
We will talk in detail about Rakdos Midrange (formerly Rakdos Kroxa), a deck that gained a new dynam...
pioneer rakdos deck tech sideboad guide
Mono Blue Tempo was once one of the most famous decks in Standard. Is it possible that a version wit...
explorer mono blue deck tech
Tiago Fuguete
Jeskai Ephemerate is the deck that has the answer to everything in the format! Let's see how it resp...
pauper jeskai.ephemerate deck tech sideboard
Today, we'll talk about Rakdos Sacrifice, a new and more explosive version of the famous Cat-Oven de...
Pioneer Rakdos Deck Tech
50% of the revenue from the new Secret Lair will be donated directly to The Trevor Project, the larg...
news secret lair LGBTQIA+
In today's article, I present in my guide everything you need to know about Naya Winota, which is po...
explorer winota deck guide naya
A review of the Streets of New Capenna: Bedecked Brokers preconstructed deck, commanded by Perrie th...
Commander EDH Upgrade Precon
Felipe Torres
In this Top 10, I evaluate the best Streets of New Capenna cards for competitive Commander!
Top 10 cEDH New Capenna
With the recent price increase on Pioneer's most varied staples, is the possibility of removing the ...
Pioneer Artisan Budget
This article brings a review of the new set to PDH, exploring possibilities for new decks and the mo...
Pauper EDH New Capenna
Rakdos Burn is one of the most fun decks at Pauper! Let's talk about it and present a deck tech and ...
pauper rakdos deck tech
A review of the Streets of New Capenna: Obscura Operation preconstructed deck, with suggestions for ...
Commander edh upgrade Precon
Wizards has announced a new format in Magic Arena, Explorer. In this article, I explain everything a...
arena explorer analysis
In today's article, I present the most interesting Streets of New Capenna cards for Pioneer, and the...
Pioneer review new capenna