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Standard Deck Tech: Kingdra -Paradox Rift-

Standard Deck Tech: Kingdra -Paradox Rift-

Rodrigo William

Check out the Kindgra Paradox Rift deck, which can deal up to 360 damage if the top six discarded ca...

Pokémon TCG Water Type Kingdra

Standard Deck Tech: Klawf + Hisuian Electrode V - Special Conditions Damage

Standard Deck Tech: Klawf + Hisuian Electrode V - Special Conditions Damage

Rodrigo William

Check out this list with Klawf, a new card from Paradox Rift. It focuses on the mechanic of dealing ...

PokémonTCG Economical Deck Paradox Rift

Commander Deck Tech: Greta, Sweettooth Scourge

Commander Deck Tech: Greta, Sweettooth Scourge

Pedro Braga

Closing our activities in Eldraine, we present Greta, Sweettooth Scourge, a fun commander to be play...

commander decktech EDH

Standard Deck Tech: Iron Hands ex - Greedy Finisher

Standard Deck Tech: Iron Hands ex - Greedy Finisher

Rodrigo William

Check out the Iron Hands ex deck, from the new set, Paradox Rift. This list focuses on dealing as mu...

Standard Paradox Rift Hariyama

Dungeon Roll Review: A Risky Investigation in the Dungeon

Dungeon Roll Review: A Risky Investigation in the Dungeon

Cesar Cusin

You've set up your group of brave companions at the tavern, now the dungeon is before you! You have ...

dungeon roll d&d

Deck Tech Standard: Scizor - Cumulative Damage Based on Opponent's Abilities

Deck Tech Standard: Scizor - Cumulative Damage Based on Opponent's Abilities

Rodrigo William

See the Obsidian Flames Scizor deck, where its attack is based on the number of opponent's Pokémon u...

Deck Rogue Scizor Obsidian Flames Standard

Citadels Review: Build the Best Medieval City and Become the Master Builder

Citadels Review: Build the Best Medieval City and Become the Master Builder

Cesar Cusin

In Citadels, you'll need to hire individuals with various skills (architects, thieves, merchants, as...

citadels cesar cusin

Standard Deck Tech: Gholdengo ex - Tons of Damage!

Standard Deck Tech: Gholdengo ex - Tons of Damage!

Rodrigo William

Check out this Gholdengo ex deck, a brand-new deck from Paradox Rift, which brings explosive, broad ...

Standard Gholdengo ex Dynamic Damage SV4

Senator Review: Politics and Corruption in Ancient Rome

Senator Review: Politics and Corruption in Ancient Rome

Cesar Cusin

The republic will fall soon! You, a powerful roman statesperson, will use diplomacy, and, at times, ...

senator board game rome

Standard Deck Tech: Scovillain - The Underestimated Hybrid Type Pokémon

Standard Deck Tech: Scovillain - The Underestimated Hybrid Type Pokémon

Rodrigo William

Check out the cheap Scovillain deck, coming from Obsidian Flames. With its double Grass & Fire type,...

Deck Rogue Standard Obsidian Flames

Paldean Fates: Check Out All the Products + Our Cards Review!

Paldean Fates: Check Out All the Products + Our Cards Review!

Rodrigo William

Check out the next new special set from the Scarlet & Violet block, Paldean Fates, which will focus ...

PokémonTCG Shiny Paldea Collection

Upgrading Commander Precon - Blast From The Past (The Fourth Doctor&Sarah Jane)

Upgrading Commander Precon - Blast From The Past (The Fourth Doctor&Sarah Jane)

Pedro Braga

In this article, we'll work on upgrading the new precon deck, Blast From The Past, which is a true g...

commander precon upgrade Doctor Who

The Manhattan Project Review: Be the Leader of a Nation and Build Atomic Bombs

The Manhattan Project Review: Be the Leader of a Nation and Build Atomic Bombs

Cesar Cusin

Mining yellowcake, enriching uranium, using the reactor to produce plutonium, graduating engineers a...

manhattan project board game cesar cusin

Deck Tech Standard: Garchomp ex Terastal & Lucario

Deck Tech Standard: Garchomp ex Terastal & Lucario

Rodrigo William

Follow the Garchomp ex Terastal deck, coming from Paradox Rift, with the assistance of Lucario from ...

Pokémon TCG Garchomp Lucario Paradox Rift

Standard: 6 Obsidian Flames Decks!

Standard: 6 Obsidian Flames Decks!

Rodrigo William

Check out these deck suggestions with the new Obsidian Flames cards. We bring iconic options, such a...

Pokémon TCG Decks Standard Ideas Strategies

Standard: 8 Paradox Rift Decks!

Standard: 8 Paradox Rift Decks!

Rodrigo William

Check out these deck suggestions for Standard updated with Paradox Rift. We have the new options of ...

Pokémon TCG Standard Strategies Decks

Standard Deck Tech - Gyarados VMax + Arceus VStar - Sacramento Regional

Standard Deck Tech - Gyarados VMax + Arceus VStar - Sacramento Regional

Rodrigo William

Check out this list from Sacramento (California, USA) Regional's Runner-Up, Niccolo Abate - who surp...

TCG Regional 2ndPlace Gyarados Water

The 80s Gaming Revolution: Unveiling Milestones and Memories

The 80s Gaming Revolution: Unveiling Milestones and Memories

Cards Realm

In this nostalgic journey, we delve into the 80s gaming revolution, exploring the milestones that sh...

online revolution 80s gaming culture

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