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Flesh and Blood
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On today's article, I show you my analysis of the possible impact of the Mystical Archives for Histo...
Historic Arena Strixhaven Metagame
There was a complete silence about Pauper in the latest Banned & Restricted update. But how exactly...
Pauper Analysis Metagame
This week's Challenges reveals a new deck taking spots in Modern and Legacy: Valki Cascade !
Analysis Metagame Modern Legacy
We are back with another weekly metagame analysis of the Challenges' Top 8 !
Analysis Metagame
Today, we will make the metagame analysis from 2020's last Challenges !
Metagame Analysis
On this article, I will show the potential of Kaldheim's newest legendary creature: Magda, Brazen Ou...
Commander Kaldheim Analysis ed
Here is another weekly review of the Challenges' Metagame!
Double Masters spoilers are now complete, and we have great news coming our way. It's already possib...
Pauper Double Masters Reprint Analysis
Today we'll discuss an aggro deck that has stood out in Pauper: Naya Slivers!
deck tech