الصفحة الرئيسية
Magic: the Gathering
Pokemon TCG
One Piece TCG
Flesh and Blood
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Rodrigo William
Keep track of Andrew Estrada's Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania Regionals championship deck; his version of ...
TCG Standard Regional Lost Box Andrew Estrada
Get to know the Charizard ex Terastal deck, which was released in the Scarlet & Violet: Obsidian Fla...
Standard Charizard Pidgeot Obsidian Flames
If you're looking for something cheap, practical, and easy to put together if you're just starting o...
Stardard Tyranitar Paldea Evolved
Discover the newly launched Pokémon Company. The YouTube animation "Paldean Winds" follows the same ...
Animation Pokémon Paldea
Keep up with the Zapdos ex deck from the 151 Kanto Sub Set special collection. Its strategy is deali...
Standard Zapdos Kanto 151 Theory
Keep up with the Tyranitar ex Terastal list with its Electric type, which brings us back to its pred...
Standard Terastral Tyranitar Lightning Type
Get to know the set 151 Blastoise ex list, using Baxcalibur's advantages with the dynamic energy set...
Standard Blastoise Kanto Theory 151
News about the promotional card that will be given to Japanese players for the Switch game: Detectiv...
Detective Pikachu Card Promo Movie Switch
See the Charizard ex deck with the fire archetype, using the ability of Charizard ex Terastral for e...
Charizard 151 Kanto Theory
With Paldea Evolved, the Grass type had Forretress ex to enhance the speed of getting basic Grass en...
Standard Grass Type Serperior Forretress
Keep up with the Grass type Venusaur ex deck with resources which put this Pokémon in the spotlight,...
Venusaur 151 Theory
Get to know the Alakazam ex deck with the Psychic archetype and the "stall" strategy, locking down y...
151 Kanto Alakazam Theory
Get to know The Pokémon Company's new cartoon to introduce their kid audience to Pokémon's TCG, besi...
Animation PokémonTCG
Keep up with a "locker" strategy deck, which means, locking down your opponent's resources, with Noi...
Standard Dragon Type Noivern
Check out what happened at Yokohama Worlds, in Japan, during this weekend from August 11th to 13th, ...
standard world yokohama Japan
Check out an analysis of the ten best cards which will grab the spotlight in the Scarlet & Violet 3:...
Staples Standard Obsidian Flames
Check out the Top 10 most expensive cards in the Obsidian Flames set, the third set from the Scarlet...
PokémonTCG ObsidianFlames Charizard Terastral
Keep up with the Chi-Yu ex deck for the Fire archetype, recursive for the energization of your Fire ...
Standard Chi-Yu Treasure of Ruin