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Gabriel (Raj)
Today we'll talk about Hammer Time its Azorius version, an aggro-combo deck that scares the opponent...
Hammer Time Azorius Deck Guide
Raphael Martinez
We have here a good budget alternative to get into Pioneer. Metalwork Colossus is an aggressive deck...
deck tech pioneer
In a format taken over by Initiative decks, Azorius Auras could be the ideal answer against Legacy's...
Legacy Auras Deck Tech
Pacto das Guildas
The Brothers' War brought a new strong tribal deck to Standard, Azorius Soldiers! Today, we dissect ...
Standard Sideboard Guide Soldiers
Natan Pires
UW Ensoul is one of the most economically viable decks on Pioneer. In a Metagame dominated by expens...
Deck Guide Azorius Ensoul Pioneer
With Black-Based Midranges dominating Best of Three, the option for other strategies is to look for ...
Standard Deck Guide Azorius Heroic Best of On
Caw-Gate was the big news on this weekend's Pauper Challenge, taking advantage of one of the most un...
pauper caw gate deck guide
Dea Pecuniae
A great list for those who like to play Control. This deck explores the interaction between Key to A...
Alchemy Deck Guide Azorius Control
Kamigawa: Neon Dynasty brought some powerful pieces to Azorius Control, propelling it to the top of ...
Azorius Pioneer Kamigawa
Gabriel Nunes
Today, we'll analyze the new cards from Innistrad: Midnight Hunt and how they might work on Spirits.
modern spirits innistrad
In this article, I present an in-depth interview with Bandit Keith, a player that has been accumulat...
Pioneer Interview Tech