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Magic: the Gathering
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The first Legends of Runeterra Eternal Open Tournament happened over this weekend, June 9th and 10th...
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The next Pokémon TCG set was announced, and with it new Type-Shifted Tera Type EX cards have arrived...
news pokemon tera new set
The Lord of the Rings: Tales of Middle-earth is upon us! In this article, we evaluate the main cards...
Pauper LotR Review
Check out here the full list of contents for the Jumpstart Boosters, and the decklists for the Start...
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The Lord of the Rings: Tales of Middle Earth features four new Commander/EDH decks: Riders of Rohan,...
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A senate candidate in Missouri just earned an ethics complaint because of his... Magic: The Gatherin...
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After two weeks of terror in the Eternal meta, a hotfix has come to save the day just before the big...
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Boromir may have failed to save the hobbits, but in Legacy he might as well save you! Check out Boro...
Boromir Legacy LOTR
Lord of the Rings: Tales of the Middle-Earth brings a new cycle of legendary lands to Modern. In thi...
Modern Highlight LOTR
This article is about the potential of Cast into the Fire in Pauper. It discusses how the card can b...
Pauper LOTR Tales of Middle-Earth
It appears that the rarest MTG card in perhaps ever is already damaged, as noted by fans.
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In today's article, we evaluate which decks win and lose with Standard's new banlist update!
Banlist Standard Metagame
Cards Realm
The NFL is embracing the Internet of Things, utilizing technology to enhance the fan experience by p...
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This article explores the potential of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and its impact on our lives and ...
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PayPal is a convenient and secure payment platform that allows users to conduct online transactions ...
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A fascinating article exploring the potential of Artificial Intelligence and its implications for th...
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A comprehensive review on how online casinos in Canada have evolved over the years. Learn about the ...
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Find out what novelties from the world of video games may be of interest to gamblers.
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