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Legends of Runeterra
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Pacto das Guildas
Modern Horizons 3 changed Pauper, but not exactly the way we expected: Gruul Ponza completely stole ...
Pauper Deck Tech Sideguide
In today's article, we cover Mono Black Necrodominance, a new Modern deck which made some impressive...
Modern Mono Black Deck Guide
Golgari Midrange is one of the best decks in Standard, and really stands out among other midrange de...
Standard DeckTech Competitive Sideguide
In today's article, we present a guide for Gruul Through the Breach, which features a famous combina...
Modern Gruul Eldrazi Deck Guide Gruul Breach
Rafael de Melo
In today's article, we'll review the first of many precon decks for Classic Constructed: Kayo, Armed...
armory cc kayo hvy
In today's article, we'll show you how to play Yarus, Roar of the Old Gods, in a deck that focuses o...
deck tech commander deck guide
Let's delve deep into another deck tech now that Modern Horizons 3 is officially out! Today, we'll c...
Legacy Necrodominance Storm
Pedro Braga
In today's article, we'll scramble our opponent's minds and use their resources against them with Et...
commander deck tech murders at karlov manor
Rodrigo William
In this article, check out Ogerpon ex decks and their elemental masks for Expanded, straight from Tw...
Ogerpon Expanded TCG
In today's article, we present Orzhov Rat, a Pauper deck that runs the new Refurbished Familiar with...
Orzhov Rat Pauper Deck Guide
Boros Energy is one of the new archetypes enabled by MH3's impact on Modern, and in this article, we...
Boros Energy MOdern Deck Guide MH3
Marcos Sobral
Learn how to play Tenpai Dragon, one of the cheapest meta decks around and also the best going secon...
Yu-Gi-Oh Deck Tech Tenpai
Eduardo Silveira
Vadmir, New Blood, one of the big baddies from Outlaws of Thunder Junction, takes advantage of "comm...
edh deck tech commander cmd
In today's article, we'll discuss Rakdos Burn, a deck that was a bit unpopular in Pauper in the past...
pauper deck tech side guide competitive
Nat Almeida
Let's commit crimes with Gisa? Take a look at this commander in our new deck tech!
decktech commander gisa
In this article, we'll show you three lists for Expanded - one for each Paradox Johto beast!
Johto Paradox TCG
Inga and Esika is our dynamic duo of today! We'll use them to mix blue and green and create an explo...
commander deck tech simic deck guide
In today's article, we cover Mono Red Prowess, who benefited from the release of Slickshot Show-Off ...
Pioneer Mono Red Prowess Deck Guide