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Flesh and Blood World Championship Dates, Location and Prize Pool

Flesh and Blood World Championship Dates, Location and Prize Pool


The Flesh and Blood World Championship 2023 has just gotten its dates, location, and prize pools ann...

news competitive barcelona calling

Yu-Gi-Oh! Championship Becomes One Of The Biggest Tournaments Ever Held

Yu-Gi-Oh! Championship Becomes One Of The Biggest Tournaments Ever Held


The European Yu-Gi-Oh! Championship was just home to a record-breaking 10k players over the first we...

news competitive record

Pokémon TCG Updates Official Time Rules for World Championships

Pokémon TCG Updates Official Time Rules for World Championships


The Play! Pokémon Tournament Rules Handbook has been updated ahead of the World Championships, to be...

news competitive rules

Flesh and Blood National Championships have just been announced for 2023!

Flesh and Blood National Championships have just been announced for 2023!


These prestige competitions are one of the many ways to get yourself a spot in the World Championshi...

news competitive flesh and blood nationals

Yu-Gi-Oh! 2023 World Championship details: Dates, Locations & Formats here!

Yu-Gi-Oh! 2023 World Championship details: Dates, Locations & Formats here!


After a 4-year hiatus, the iconic competition and celebration of the Yu-Gi-Oh! franchise comes back ...

news competitive yugioh master duel

Pokémon: Rare Pikachu, from the first National Championship, is up for sale

Pokémon: Rare Pikachu, from the first National Championship, is up for sale


A rare Pikachu from 1997 is being auctioned! This highly sought-after item is a collector's dream, o...

news market pokémon pikachu

Pokémon Day: Classic TCG set, World Championship, New Netflix show and more!

Pokémon Day: Classic TCG set, World Championship, New Netflix show and more!


Pokémon Day is here, and with it, there are new announcements and updates to numerous Pokémon titles...

news pokémon netflix tcg competitive

Yu-Gi-Oh! World Championship returns for the 25th Anniversary Celebrations

Yu-Gi-Oh! World Championship returns for the 25th Anniversary Celebrations


The iconic event returns for celebrations!

news yugioh world championship

HS: Interview with Páscoa, first Brazilian to go to the World Championship

HS: Interview with Páscoa, first Brazilian to go to the World Championship

Pedro Fernandes

"Páscoa" was the first Brazilian to triumph at Hearthstone Grandmasters, the player will also repres...

Hearthstone interview pascoa World

Neon Dynasty Championship Alchemy & Historic Top 8 Decklists

Neon Dynasty Championship Alchemy & Historic Top 8 Decklists


After two days, the Top 8 of the Neon Dynasty Championship is set. Check out each competitor's Alche...

news top 8 neon dynasty

The Neon Dynasty Championship's Metagame

The Neon Dynasty Championship's Metagame


Check out the Neon Dynasty Championship's Metagame, the first major event of the year, which will be...

noticia pro tour neon dynasty

Analyzing the Innistrad Championship's Metagame

Analyzing the Innistrad Championship's Metagame

Thiago NileDeath

Today, I present an analysis of the Standard and Historic decks that stood out at the Innistrad Cham...

standard historic innistrad championship

Innistrad Championship's Top 8 Standard & Historic Decklists

Innistrad Championship's Top 8 Standard & Historic Decklists


After fifteen swiss rounds, eight players will dispute for Innistrad Championship's title today, in ...

news innistrad championship top 8

The Post-World Championship Standard

The Post-World Championship Standard

Thiago NileDeath

Today, we'll delve deeper into the post-World Championship Standard Metagame, and talk about the ant...

standard aggro izzet arena

World Championship Metagame Analysis

World Championship Metagame Analysis


In today's article, I analyze the decks that will be played in the World Championship, commenting on...

worlds metagame analysis arena standard

World Championship decks leaked, and participants reverberate

World Championship decks leaked, and participants reverberate


The MTGMelee platform accidentally made the lists available during this Tuesday morning, three days ...

news worlds magic

See all decklists from the 16 players in Runeterra World championship

See all decklists from the 16 players in Runeterra World championship

Divinity Of Philosophy

There are 48 decklists divided into 16 line-ups that will be used in the biggest Legends of Runeterr...

decklists lineup top16 worlds

The 16 players who will participate in the World Championship XXVII

The 16 players who will participate in the World Championship XXVII


Sixteen players from around the world will compete between October 8th and 10th for the title of Wor...

world magic news

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