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Pauper: The New Post-Ban Affinity

Pauper: The New Post-Ban Affinity


In today's article, I discuss the new Affinity variants with Alexandre Weber, also known as _agains...

pauper competitive affinity

Playing Against Faeries, the Pauper's Queen

Playing Against Faeries, the Pauper's Queen


If Faeries is Pauper's best deck, what strategies can we use to exploit its weaknesses, and which de...

faeries pauper analysis metagam

50 decklists from Royale SuperCup 2021.2: first phase

50 decklists from Royale SuperCup 2021.2: first phase


Royale SuperCup is at the door! 10 teams will participate in this edition that brings 1,000 TIX in a...

pauper supercup tournament teams

Faeries will always be Pauper's Queen.

Faeries will always be Pauper's Queen.


In this article, I explain why Faeries will (almost) always be Pauper's best deck.

faeries pauper metagame

Upgrading the Midnight Hunt Commander precon: Coven Counters

Upgrading the Midnight Hunt Commander precon: Coven Counters

Vinicius Sorin

Today, we'll discuss the gameplan behind the preconstructed commander deck, Coven Counters, and whic...

cEDH commander

Pauper EDH - Innistrad: Midnight Hunt's five best commanders!

Pauper EDH - Innistrad: Midnight Hunt's five best commanders!


In this Article, I analyze the best commanders at Innistrad: Midnight Hunt for Pauper EDH

pdh analysis review

See all decklists from the 16 players in Runeterra World championship

See all decklists from the 16 players in Runeterra World championship

Divinity Of Philosophy

There are 48 decklists divided into 16 line-ups that will be used in the biggest Legends of Runeterr...

decklists lineup top16 worlds

Pauper Set Review: Innistrad Midnight Hunt

Pauper Set Review: Innistrad Midnight Hunt


With the end of the spoiler season and the full set revealed, it's time to our Pauper set review for...

analysis pauper review innistrad

Modern: Dimir Mill and the well-done support

Modern: Dimir Mill and the well-done support

Gabriel Nunes

We take a closer look at one of the decks that is gaining more new features to conquer space in the ...

modern mill metagame

As a protest, Pauper Preliminary decks have only basic lands

As a protest, Pauper Preliminary decks have only basic lands


Players entered the Pauper Preliminary with lists that used only 60 basic lands, as a form of protes...

news pauper wizards preliminary

Metagame: Modern's new Jund and Selesnya Depths' ascension in Legacy

Metagame: Modern's new Jund and Selesnya Depths' ascension in Legacy


In today's article, we see a difference in Standard between MTGO and Arena, a new variant of Living...

metagame modern standard pauper legacy

Metagame: The Modern Super Qualifier & Sultai is back to Standard!

Metagame: The Modern Super Qualifier & Sultai is back to Standard!


In today's article, we analyze the results of the Modern Super Qualifier, see Sultai Ultimatum back ...

metagame modern standard pauper legacy

Pauper Deck Tech: Mono-Black Control

Pauper Deck Tech: Mono-Black Control


In today's article, we dissect the current version of Mono-Black Control, used by the player Tweedel...

decktech pauper mbc mono black

Metagame: Goblins in Pioneer, Tron back to Modern, Delverless Delver in Legacy

Metagame: Goblins in Pioneer, Tron back to Modern, Delverless Delver in Legacy


In this week's Metagame, we see Tron returning to Modern, Goblins making the Top 8 on Pioneer and Te...

analysis metagame pauper legacy pioneer moder

Pauper's new golden Quarter: an introduction to Qualifiers and Showcases!

Pauper's new golden Quarter: an introduction to Qualifiers and Showcases!


With huge events taking place between September and December, Pauper will have a great end of the ye...

analysis tournament competitive Pauper

Metagame: Two Months after Modern Horizons II

Metagame: Two Months after Modern Horizons II


In today's article, we look at the results of this weekend's tournaments, which marked the eighth we...

analysis metagame legacy pauper modern

Metagame: Winota in Standard, Splashes in Modern and Planeswalkers in Legacy!

Metagame: Winota in Standard, Splashes in Modern and Planeswalkers in Legacy!


In this week's Metagame we see Winota's rise in Standard, defined archetypes resorting to splashes i...

analysis metagame standard modern legacy paup

Announcing the Independent Tournaments' Pauper Banlist!

Announcing the Independent Tournaments' Pauper Banlist!


For many members of the community, Pauper is at the worst moment in its history. So several independ...

news pauper banlist

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