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Magic: the Gathering
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On today's article, I take a closer look into the Challenges' Top 32 and the growing impact of Moder...
analysis metagame mh2
An overall analysis of how Modern Horizons II shaped this weekend's tournaments in Pauper, Modern an...
An analysis of the Strixhaven Championship, the impact of the Mystical Archives and a chaotic refle...
analysis strixhaven historic
Just like Ravnica and Theros, Strixhaven will also have its Dungeons & Dragons product!
news d&d strixhaven
Basic Lands with flavor text, iconic creatures, and spells from the world's most famous RPG, Command...
News d&d forgottenrealms
Fetch Lands, the return of classic borders, new mechanics, iconic reprints, and much more!
news modern horizons legends
This article presents the third deck from this competitive Commander series: Okaun and Zndrsplt!
cedh edh commander combo
En la once preguntas de hoy, vamos a entrevistar Brian Lewis más conocido como "The Profesor".Hablam...
Entrevista Lewis arena tolarian
In Today’s Eleven Questions, we interviewed Brian Lewis, better known as "The Professor"! We talked ...
interview Lewis arena tolarian
Starting our trimester in Strixhaven, let's explore which content each college has and build example...
Mtg Limited Strixhaven Arena
The Japanese website of Wizards of the Coast revealed the 63 arts that will only be possible to be f...
arena standard strixhaven mystical archive
Ricardo Mattana
Understand how the Cascade mechanic is messing with the "rock-paper-scissors" of the Pauper metagame...
Pauper Cascade MTG Snow
The second Draft will take place tomorrow! We have released the 44 decklists that will play this sec...
pauper royale tournament
The Pauper Super Qualifier happened and the winner was the brazilian Pedro Paulo! Today, we gonna in...
news interview qualifier
David Royale
Today I bring to you the one and only guide on how to play Jund on pauper + sideboard!
pauper Deck Guide
After almost ten years, we have the first sight of a Phyrexian on Magic's Lore. But for what reason ...
Phyrexia Kaldheim Lore
HG Team
Today we have the sideboard guide of Standard Dimir Rogues: a versatile deck that uses the mill mech...
standard meta dimir
What do you think about playing a format focused on tribal decks with free events and secondary goal...
Tribal budget mtgo