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Magic: the Gathering
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Magic: The Gathering's most famous monkey has arrived in Historic Brawl! In this article, we evaluat...
Ragavan Historic Brawl Deck Guide
Eduardo Silveira
A review of March of the Machine's Commander deck, Cavalry Charge, alongside a guide on how to upgra...
EDH CavalryCharge Upgrades Commander
Tony Lucas
Fair and accurate changes mark the patch. How is the meta from now on? Check it out in this review!
Analysis Patch April 18
Which variant of an ability has returned? What plan came reference from an iconic creature from Alph...
Feedback Tips MOM
Able to win the game as early as the second turn, Boros Hammer Time is one of Explorer's fastest com...
Explorer Best of One Hammer Time
Gabriel 'total' da Rosa
In this article, I'll tell my story of how I got to Top 16 in the Runeterra Open April 15th and 16th...
report open meta competitive
Rafael de Melo
In today's article we're going to elaborate on the new Assassin, Uzuri, how to play with it, its mec...
Uzuri Flesh and Blood Blitz FaB
In this article, you'll learn everything about the Runeterra Open competitive meta for this weekend,...
guide lineup competitive open
Hangar Scrounger allows a new infinite combo on Pauper alongside Seeker of Skybreak. In today's arti...
Pauper Hangar Scrounger Combo
In today's article, I comment on the ten best cards from March of the Machine for Explorer!
Explorer MTGArena MTGMOM Review
For the first time, seemingly, ever, a Fetch Land has gone under $10! Check out what makes these car...
news market march of the machine fetchland
This 001/500 serial has just been found as March of the Machine packs, boxes, kits and cards start b...
news ragavan march of the machine mtg mar
Felipe Torres
This article features a selection of the best possible March of the Machines cards for Competitive C...
cEDH March of the Machines MTGMOM Review
Not sure which are the best Legends in the new set? Then follow this Top 10 best Commanders of March...
Commander Top 10 March of the Machine MOM
March of the Machine brings some major one-off additions to Modern, while opening up the potential f...
Modern March of the Machine Mom Review
March of the Machine is a conflicted set for Pauper. On the one hand, it features a new combo and so...
Pauper Review March of the Machine Mom
Tiago Fuguete
Check out a deck tech and explanation of Altar Tron's combos, the deck who won Paupergeddon, the big...
Tron Combo Pauper
An Amazon Gift Card is a great way to shop online. Here are 10 essential uses for it that everyone s...
amazon gift card