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Magic: the Gathering
Pokemon TCG
Flesh and Blood
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Rodrigo William
Discover the possibilities with Regidrago VStar, a card that will show up in the Silver Tempest expa...
Standard Preview Regidrago VStar
In this article, we will detail what information we have with the Japanese data of the eastern expan...
Standard Review Silver Tempest
Pacto das Guildas
Without The Meathook Massacre, will Black-Based archetypes keep its predominance on Standard, or is ...
Standard Competitive Decklist
Legendary Pokémon are the strongest known to mankind. By taking this quick quiz, you can find out wh...
Pokémon Legendary Quiz
Eduardo Silveira
Magic will be starting its 30th anniversary celebration this month. In this article, we'll visit som...
Magic 30 Legends EDH
Meet one of the water decks that can be interesting for the current format with high resources aimed...
standard Kyurem Deck tech
Come discover a way to play Gwen using the same old Freljord veterans, in a quite aggressive Midrang...
guide midrange competitive sejuani
Meet Empoleon V, from Battle Styles, combined with Hisuian Goodra "baby" from Lost Origin, inhibitin...
PokémonTCG Standard Empoleon
By answering these 10 questions, you will be able to find out which gym leader you would be if you w...
Pokémon gym leader quiz
We will address a deck focused on Ditto copying Spiritomb's attacks, being able to reach 280 damage ...
Standard Ditto Spiritomb
In October, Magic will begin its 30th anniversary celebration. In this article, we've listed the mos...
Review Sets Opinion Magic 30
In these 30 years, many releases and changes generated chaos and looked like they were going to kill...
Opinion 30 years top 30
Tiago Fuguete
How about casting LD spells as soon as on turn 2? Mono Black Ponza is the deck that doesn't allow y...
MBC Ponza Pauper
Meet Magnezone-VStar, a Pokémon that deals as much damage to your opponent's Active and Benched Poké...
Pokémon Standard Magnezone
Tony Lucas
Know that champion that you barely see in a deck, but their spell is everywhere in meta decks? Yeah...
ranking curiosities champions
A review of the Warhammer 40,000 preconstructed deck, The Ruinous Power, a Grixis Cascade with Abad...
Warhammer 40k precon upgrade
There are some basic strategies that can help you win at poker. If you do this, you will win more of...
poker win tips
Seven important tips for beginners to strengthen their skills at bluffing on poker!
Poker Tips Bluffing