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A Guide to Every Yu-Gi-Oh! Movie

A Guide to Every Yu-Gi-Oh! Movie

Marcos Sobral

In this article, you'll get to know all the movies in the Yu-Gi-Oh! franchise, with a description of...

Yu-Gi-Oh Movies

Pioneer Set Review: The Brothers' War

Pioneer Set Review: The Brothers' War


Today we will review the new set, The Brothers' War, for Pioneer, highlighting the cards with the gr...

The Brothers' War Pioneer Review

Legacy Set Review: The Brothers' War

Legacy Set Review: The Brothers' War


Today, let's analyze how The Brothers' War impacts Legacy!

Legacy Review The Brothers' War

Silver Tempest: Top 12 Best Cards + Full Card List

Silver Tempest: Top 12 Best Cards + Full Card List

Rodrigo William

Follow in this article the entire setlist of Silver Tempest cards and also the cards that deserve at...

Pokémon TCG Review Silver Tempest

Standard format: best cards from The Brothers' War

Standard format: best cards from The Brothers' War

Roger Schola

Today, we present the review of the most powerful cards in The Brothers' War for Standard!

Review The Brothers' War Standard

Upgrading Commander Precon: Chaos Incarnate (Kardur, Doomscourge)

Upgrading Commander Precon: Chaos Incarnate (Kardur, Doomscourge)


Today we analyze the Commander Starter Deck, Chaos Incarnate, and bring a guide on how to upgrade it...

Commander Precon Upgrades

Pokémon Villains - The 8 main antagonists of the franchise!

Pokémon Villains - The 8 main antagonists of the franchise!

Rodrigo William

In the Pokémon world, in the midst of so many adventures, there are also criminal organizations that...

Villains Pokémon Lore

Card Highlight: Gix, Yawgmoth Praetor on Standard, Pioneer & Commander!

Card Highlight: Gix, Yawgmoth Praetor on Standard, Pioneer & Commander!

Mateus Nogueira

We finally have a Gix card! But is one of Yawgmoth's most powerful praetors good enough to see compe...

Brothers War Gix Review

Pauper Set Review: The Brothers' War

Pauper Set Review: The Brothers' War


The Brothers' War is the last release of 2022 for Pauper, and it brings some options to power certai...

Pauper Set Review The Brothers War

Deck Guide: Devil Dinosaur & Moon Girl (Pool 2)

Deck Guide: Devil Dinosaur & Moon Girl (Pool 2)

Tony Lucas

Learn how to play the deck that is a safe choice for beginner and even veteran players!

guide competitive Pool 2

Card Highlight: Arcane Proxy on Pioneer and Modern

Card Highlight: Arcane Proxy on Pioneer and Modern


Reminiscent of one of the most powerful cards of the last decade and interacting with zero mana spel...

The Brothers' War Review

Review - Isle of Skye: Develop your territory and take over the Island

Review - Isle of Skye: Develop your territory and take over the Island

Cesar Cusin

Your clan will compete against others to dominate the Island. Strong trade, large naval fleet, inves...

Board Game Isle of Skye Strategy

Regidrago VStar Spoiler: Synergy and Combos for a Standard Deck

Regidrago VStar Spoiler: Synergy and Combos for a Standard Deck

Rodrigo William

Discover the possibilities with Regidrago VStar, a card that will show up in the Silver Tempest expa...

Standard Preview Regidrago VStar

Silver Tempest: Spoilers and Lore of the last Sword/Shield Expansion

Silver Tempest: Spoilers and Lore of the last Sword/Shield Expansion

Rodrigo William

In this article, we will detail what information we have with the Japanese data of the eastern expan...

Standard Review Silver Tempest

Legacy Set Review: Unfinity

Legacy Set Review: Unfinity


Unfinity has arrived to Legacy! What this otherworldly set could bring to the format?

Legacy Unfinity Review

Ra: The Dice Game Review - Build your own egyptian civilization!'

Ra: The Dice Game Review - Build your own egyptian civilization!'

Cesar Cusin

Seek to expand your power and fame by influencing pharaohs, building monuments, taking care of agric...

ra dice game review

8 Factors To Consider When Conducting a Background Check

8 Factors To Consider When Conducting a Background Check


A background check involves checking an individual's history before hiring. The purpose of this is t...

background check interview

Steve Rubin provides insights into creative process in LoR

Steve Rubin provides insights into creative process in LoR


Legends of Runeterra designer Steve Rubin, aka RubinZoo, has given fans insights into the process in...

creative steve rubin

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