Magic: the Gathering
Pokemon TCG
One Piece TCG
Flesh and Blood
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The Riders of Rohan have arrived in Legacy! In the name of the Monarch, they will take the Initiativ...
Legacy boros initiative eorlingas lotr
Lucas Felix
In this article, we will explore the strengths of Alesha, Who Smiles at Death, looking for the stron...
Deck Tech Commander Alesha
Rodrigo William
Meet the Togekiss VMax deck, a Pokémon with excellent HP, free retreat, and low cost of energy to de...
PokémonTCG Expanded Togekiss VMax
This article takes a look at Paupergeddon Pisa Tournament, exploring the meta and the decks that ove...
Pauper Paupergeddon LOTR
Nat Almeida
Token deck with plenty of dinosaurs and vampires? Please! Check out an unusual union between tribes ...
Commander Deck Tech Ghalta and Mavren
This article examines the Pauper format and the forgotten archetypes that need more support. It look...
Pauper Mtg Forgotten Archetypes
Marcos Sobral
Check out the new Yu-Gi-Oh deck! TCG, Vanquish Soul, which promises to annihilate its opponents and ...
Yu-Gi-Oh! Vanquish Soul Deck Guide
In today's article, we present a guide to Pioneer's new combo deck, Grixis Archfiend!
Pioneer Deck Guide Archfiend Combo
Meet the Snorlax VMax deck, one of the first Pokémon that received the VMax rarity! We will take adv...
Pokémon Expanded Snorlax
Tony Lucas
The buff on Invisible Woman made possible a series of combos in the Cerebro 3 lists, which is even s...
Deck Guide Cerebro 3
This basic Pokémon has a simple proposal: with its ability, it can use the typing of the basic energ...
PokémonTCG Expanded Kecleon
One more competitive event down, and more to come! Check out here the meta, Top 8 and their decklist...
news competitive top 8
Gabriel 'total' da Rosa
The Eternal format is being dominated by one of the most consistent combo lists of all time, Samira ...
guide eternal competitive
Food Matters Deck is a new deck archetype that focuses on gaining card advantage and board control t...
pauper lotr food cauldron familiar
Meet the Primal Groudon-EX deck from X/Y: Primal Clash with a control theme in the "stall" tactic, t...
PokémonTCG Primal Groudon Deck Guide
Pedro Braga
One of the best and most loved tribes in Magic are the dragons. In today's article, we'll look at ho...
Commander Deck Tech Sarkhan Dragons
Discover two variations of the Coalossal VMax deck for Expanded. One version is more defensive and t...
Coalassal VMax Deck Guide
Meet this deck capable of blocking your opponents' items and basic Pokémon, with the combination of ...
PokémonTCG Vileplume Lock Control