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Magic: the Gathering
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Do Planeswalkers without a spark have what it takes to compete in Legacy? Let's go to the analysis o...
Legacy Review Aftermath
Rodrigo William
Discover the 10 most valuable cards from the Scarlet & Violet Base Set expansion, considering both i...
Prices Guide Scarlet & Violet
In this article, we will discuss the Golgari Gardens Control deck, covering topics such as card sele...
Pauper mtg alternative
In today's article, we evaluate which cards from March of the Machine: The Aftermath have the potent...
Modern The Aftermath Review
Tony Lucas
For Hela lovers, I bring the most consistent version of her deck with tips and secrets!
Guide Hela Casino Pool 3
Today we'll review March of the Machine: The Aftermath for Commander. Check out which cards from the...
Commander The Aftermath Review
Follow this guide to answer questions about the final migration from the Pokémon TCG Online to the P...
PokémonTCG Online Live Migration
The March of the Machine: Aftermath set has just been revealed, and many players were confused as to...
news set march of the machine epilogue boo
Gabriel 'total' da Rosa
In this article, you'll be learning all about the new list that is dominating the ranked queue: Tris...
March of the Machine: The Aftermath is the first Magic: The Gathering "mini set" in years. In this a...
Pioneer Review The Aftermath
Marcos Sobral
In today's article, I'll be looking at the main cards in the Cyberstorm Access set and their impact ...
Yu-Gi-Oh Review Cyberstorm Access
Everything about the new cards from the Guardians Greatest Hits! Which ones are worth purchasing?
Pool 5 New Cards Review
Pedro Fernandes
Totem Shaman is one of the best options to get to Legend. Check out the guide to one of the most pop...
HS Shaman Deck Guide
Several rare cards are up for sale, including a few Power Nine cards from MTG. Other iconic Pokémon ...
news pokemon mtg market
A Pokémon store in Japan has banned adults from buying a portion of their stock. The measure is repo...
news pokemon store market
Riddlesmith Combo is a deck which allows exiling your entire deck to then cast Grapeshot to defeat y...
Legacy Riddlesmith Combo Deck Guide
Everything you need to know about Nebula to get her off to a good start in the game's new season, pl...
Deck Nebula Review
Cards Realm
This article explores the potential of 3D printing technology, as applied to the production of table...
games 3D Printing Tabletop Miniatures