Magic: the Gathering
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Yu-Gi-Oh TCG
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In this article, we've come up with five reasons for you to start playing Flesh and Blood!
Flesh and Blood Reasons to play
Marcos Sobral
In this article, you will learn about the alternative formats of the Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG: Time Wizard, Hea...
TCG:Alternative Formats Yu-Gi-Oh!
Mono Black Midrange was one of Standard's most famous decks, but could it stay competitive without T...
Standard Mono Black Deck Guide
Orzhov Humans is the most focused and well-constructed list among the Pioneer Challenger Decks 2022...
Pioneer Challenger Deck Upgrade Orzhov Humans
Pacto das Guildas
Without The Meathook Massacre, will Black-Based archetypes keep its predominance on Standard, or is ...
Standard Competitive Decklist
Blending classic elements with recent additions, Mono Blue Terror is one of the most Tempo-oriented ...
Pauper Mono Blue Terror Deck Guide
In this article, I present the best post-banlist decks for beginners in Yu-Gi-Oh!. They are relative...
Yu-Gi-Oh! Decks Beginners
Tony Lucas
The Night Hunter was released to LoR today and I've selected some very interesting lists with this c...
decks competitive vayne
The Meathook Massacre has been banned from Standard, but will its absence be enough to end the Midra...
Ban Standard Metagame
The owner of the Arrow of Retribution arrives in LoR this Wednesday, and because of that I've select...
decks competitive Varus
The Starry-Eyed Songstress arrives to LoR this Wednesday and I've selected very interesting lists wi...
decks seraphine competitive
The Pioneer Challenger Decks 2022 are here! Today, we present a guide on how to improve Gruul Stompy...
Phoneer Challenger Deck Upgrades Gruul Stompy
The Pioneer Challenger Decks 2022 are here! And today, we present a guide on how to improve the Izze...
Pioneer Challenger Deck Upgrade Izzet Phoenix
In this article, I present to you the most expensive Yu-Gi-Oh! cards, their reasons and stories.
Yu-Gi-Oh! top 10 expensive cards
Are you lost with so many decks and don't know what to bring to Seasonals? In this article I'll help...
seasonals competitive decks
Tabata Marques
To celebrate 30 years of the game, I've put together 30 reasons to play Magic!
Game Lore Reasons
In this article, you will learn what proxy cards are and if they can be used in Yu-Gi-Oh! tournament...
Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG Proxy
On a good date, you want to feel a wide range of emotions. You desire happiness, hope, and all the w...
board first dating