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In today's article, I analyze the ten cards (or cards cycle) that had the most impact in Pioneer on ...
pioneer top 10 2021
In today's article, I analyze the ten cards (or card cycle) from 2021 which I consider to be the mos...
top 10 standard 2021.
Felipe Torres
Today I analize the best cards released this year for cEDH and their impact on the Metagame.
top 10 cEDh EDH Commander
Let's talk about the new improved version of Rakdos Affinity with the new Crimson Vow additions, and...
pauper affinity sideboard guide
Thiago NileDeath
This article brings decklists for Magic Arena's new format, Alchemy, along with a brief explanation ...
alchemy decklists
In today's article, I present and evaluate the ten most important cards (or cards cycle) from 2021's...
modern top 10 2021 anlysis
Tony Lucas
In this article you will find 5 consistent decks with Magic Misadventures' expansion most versatile ...
Ahri Decklist LoR
In today's article, I evaluate the ten most impactful cards (or cards cycle) from 2021's releases fo...
analysis pauper 2021 top 10
Gabriel Nunes
In today's article, we analyze Chandra, Dressed to Kill's impact and presence on Modern's competitiv...
modern competitive chandra
This week, Paulo Vitor Damo da Rosa was awarded, by the second year, as the Best Card Games Athlete ...
pv premio esports magic pro
In today's article, I analyze the Orzhov Vampires, Pioneer deck that had five placements on last Sat...
vampires pioneer analysis
A brief analysis of Arena's new format, Alchemy, and a review of the new set released for the format...
alchemy innistrad arena historic
Today, we talk about a deck that has been around in Modern for ages, and a great option for those lo...
modern metagame amulet titan
In today's article, we dissect the Rakdos Midrange, deck that is showing impressive results on Pion...
analysis pioneer metagame rakdos
Today, I present an analysis of the Standard and Historic decks that stood out at the Innistrad Cham...
standard historic innistrad championship
An interview with Fabio Soeiro, known as Fsoeiro, which went 4-0 on Pauper Masters Online's swiss ro...
interview pauper masters burn
In today's article, we analyze the Izzet Control, which had two placements on last weekend's Challen...
analysis pioneer deck tech izzet
In today's article, we will take a closer look at Grixis Death's Shadow, which combines the classic ...
modern competitive grixis shadow