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Standard: 5 Budget Decks to start in Magic Arena

Standard: 5 Budget Decks to start in Magic Arena


In this article, we present five budget decks to start playing the Standard format in Magic Arena!

Standard Budget Decks

All 4 Doctor Who Precon Commander decklists

All 4 Doctor Who Precon Commander decklists

Rodolfo Nogueira

Doctor Who introduces four new Commander decks: Master of Evil (blue, black and red), Paradox Power ...

commander doctorwho decklists

Doctor Who in Pauper: Reprints and the Return of Snuff Out!

Doctor Who in Pauper: Reprints and the Return of Snuff Out!

Tiago Fuguete

After many years of waiting and the whole Pauper community asking for it, Snuff Out will be reprinte...

snuffout reprint doctor who pauper

Detective Pikachu Returns is released! Check analysis and details

Detective Pikachu Returns is released! Check analysis and details

Rodolfo Nogueira

The newest Switch exclusive launched today, and we'll cover lots of information about the game for y...

pikachu switch pokemon lançamento

Commander Deck Tech - Brenard, Ginger Sculptor

Commander Deck Tech - Brenard, Ginger Sculptor


In this Wilds of Eldraine deck tech, we bring Brenard, Ginger Sculptor, the baker, in a fun deck wit...

edh commander deck tech

Commander Deck Tech - Sisay, Weatherlight Captain and Jegantha, the Wellspring

Commander Deck Tech - Sisay, Weatherlight Captain and Jegantha, the Wellspring


In this article, we'll show a 5-color Sisay, Weatherlight Captain deck with Jegantha, the Wellspring...

companion edh commander

Standard Deck Tech: Gengar - 151 Sub Set Build

Standard Deck Tech: Gengar - 151 Sub Set Build

Rodrigo William

See the return of the "Poltergeist" attack, which allows you to reveal your opponent's hand and deal...

Gengar Kanto 151 TCG Poltergeist Attack

LoR: After All, What is the Best Warden of the Tribes Deck?

LoR: After All, What is the Best Warden of the Tribes Deck?

Gabriel 'total' da Rosa

In this article, we'll discuss which is the best Warden of the Tribes list currently. This archetype...

guide freljord standard

MTG Doctor Who: Date, Cards, Doctors and Companions Revealed!

MTG Doctor Who: Date, Cards, Doctors and Companions Revealed!

Rodolfo Nogueira

Magic: The Gathering meets the classic British sci-fi series Doctor Who with the new MTG Doctor Who ...

mtg doctorwho tardis release

Commander Deck Tech: Yenna, Redtooth Regent

Commander Deck Tech: Yenna, Redtooth Regent

Lucas Felix

In this article, we'll discuss a deck based on Yenna, Redtooth Regent, exploring Selesnya Enchantres...

commander enchantment deck tech

Expanded Deck Tech: Zacian VStar & Zamazenta VStar + ADP

Expanded Deck Tech: Zacian VStar & Zamazenta VStar + ADP

Rodrigo William

Keep up with the Wolves of Galar decks with their VStar forms plus the benefits from ADP's GX attack...

Zacian Zamazenta SteelType Massive Damage

Commander Deck Tech: Muldrotha, the Gravetide and Gyruda, Doom of Depths

Commander Deck Tech: Muldrotha, the Gravetide and Gyruda, Doom of Depths


In this Companion article, we'll show Muldrotha and Gyruda, a Reanimate deck with only even-cost car...

edh commander mill

Standard Deck Tech: Golem ex - Build with the 151 Sub Set

Standard Deck Tech: Golem ex - Build with the 151 Sub Set

Rodrigo William

Get to know a decklist with the "151" special set Golem ex. It can fulfill the role of taking damage...

Golem Kanto Tanker Heal 151 TCG

Legacy: Yorion Beanstalk Control Deck Tech and Sideboard Guide

Legacy: Yorion Beanstalk Control Deck Tech and Sideboard Guide


Eldraine is here! One of the cards which is popping up everywhere in Legacy is an uncommon green enc...

legacy yorion beanstalk

Standard Deck Tech: Kangaskhan ex - Build with the 151 Sub Set

Standard Deck Tech: Kangaskhan ex - Build with the 151 Sub Set

Rodrigo William

Get to know a rogue deck with Kangaskhan ex, which will be released in the "151" special set. With L...

Kangaskhan Kanto TCG 151

Jackpots and Journeys: Navigating the Online Casino Landscape

Jackpots and Journeys: Navigating the Online Casino Landscape

Cards Realm

Are you a fan of online casinos? This article explores the world of online gambling, including tips ...

jackpots online casino game tips

Unveiling the Aces: Mastering Deck-Building and Strategy for the Ultimate Win

Unveiling the Aces: Mastering Deck-Building and Strategy for the Ultimate Win

Cards Realm

Unveiling the Aces reveals the secrets to dominating deck-building games. Learn expert strategies, c...

online game deck building

Innovations in Online Casino Gaming: What's Changing the Landscape

Innovations in Online Casino Gaming: What's Changing the Landscape

Cards Realm

Discover the latest advancements in online casino gaming that are revolutionizing the industry. From...

casino online blockchain vr gambling

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