Magic: the Gathering
Pokemon TCG
Yu-Gi-Oh TCG
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Daniel Cataia
In this article I bring a Top 10 of great illustrators that were notorious in almost 30 years of Mag...
top10 artists
Rafael de Melo
In today's article, I evaluate Commoner's best cards and their contributions to the format, examinin...
Fab Commoner Staples
Rodrigo William
Get to know the Charizard VMax and Reshiram & Charizard Tag Team deck for the expanded format, which...
Expanded PokemonTCG Charizard
Pacto das Guildas
The Brothers' War brought a new strong tribal deck to Standard, Azorius Soldiers! Today, we dissect ...
Standard Sideboard Guide Soldiers
Roger Schola
Today, we'll take a look at a new Standard deck which have appeared upon The Brothers' War release, ...
The Brothers' War Standard Deck Guide
In today's article, we present an aggressive list with Arakni, the new hero released on Dynasty, sho...
Arakni Deck Tech Blitz Dynasty
Nat Almeida
How about a storm of dragons to terrorize your opponents on the table? In this article, we're going ...
Commander Deck Tech Dragons
Pioneer is a very fun and diverse format, and also stars in the competitive circuit that leads to Pr...
Pioneer Competitive Guide
Tony Lucas
In this article you'll find out which are the best decks to guarantee cubes with cards from Pool 2!
competitive ranking Pool 2
Felipe Torres
This article brings a guide with card recommendations to enhance the initial Precon Commander: First...
With a Burn strategy, this Zaun pair is causing a lot of destruction in ranked ladder matches! Check...
Ekko Jinx Burn
Mateus Nogueira
In today’s article we rank ALL 45 potential Commanders and their supplementing products! Come check...
Commander cedh edh
In this article you will get to know the best decks to guarantee cubes with the Pool 1 cards!
ranking pool 1 decks
Eduardo Silveira
This is an analysis of the pre-constructed deck "Mishra's Burnished Banner", commanded by Mishra, Em...
EDH Grixis Artifact Matters
Zed and Hecarim together with the power of the forces from beyond! This duo came back at full force,...
Zed Hecarim ephemerals
We've reviewed the 10 cards we believe have the most potential for cEDH in The Brother's War supleme...
Review cEDH Transformers The Brothers' War
Here are some proven tips that helps in improving the chance and one may play longer.
money classes roulette
Here, in this article, we will not have discussion on the definition of it, but try to learn the str...
Strategies mtg magicthegathering