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Yangzera explains the new Legends of Runeterra competitive circuit, besides talking about the new wa...
news standard eternal competitive
The newest Marvel Snap season comes in hot for February: Into the Quantum Realm brings about new car...
news marvel snap mordok event
The February banlist brings numerous restrictions for the Tearlaments archetype and other meta cards...
news banlist tearlaments february yugioh
Gabriel "Aerebi" Meyer
The Daily Rumbles will break the game's deckbuilding rules, allowing very different decks. Here you ...
competitive lor decks news
The first tourney after the banlist implemented on January 30th brings the first competitive outlook...
news fabtcg indiana tournament competitive
A small leak by a trusted dataminer might confirm nerfs to two more Marvel Snap cards.
nerfs leak marvelsnap
The iconic event returns for celebrations!
news yugioh world championship
The subset brings Generation IX starters.
news pokémontcg starters triple beat
We've had updates to hitpoints, Commander damage, and two card bans.
news pdh pauper commander
Phyrexia: All Will Be One, features two new Commander/EDH decks: Rebellion Rising and Corrupting Inf...
commander edh
Rodrigo William
Discover the combination of Absol from Sun/Moon: Guardians Rising with Hydreigon from Sword/Shield: ...
Absol PokémonTCG Expanded
See the main topics about the Pokémon TCG Live beta, which opened globally on 11/15/2022, and how to...
Pokémon TCGO Live Beta TCG
The Brothers' War bring us 2 EDH decklists featuring the two brothers from the set as commanders
brothers war edh commander
Starter Commander decks are five different two-color decks that have everything you need to jump rig...
Follow the October releases of Pokémon products here and preview what's coming in November, with new...
pokémontcg new products
The Meathook Massacre is banned on Standard and Yorion, Sky Noma is banned on Modern
standard modern bans
Here we will explain what is video poker, which cards you should hold and which you should discard
video poker
Legends of Runeterra designer Steve Rubin, aka RubinZoo, has given fans insights into the process in...
creative steve rubin