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MTGO: After security concerns, Wizards announces 2FA update

MTGO: After security concerns, Wizards announces 2FA update


February comes, and with it, MTGO's efforts roll out too to keep the game clean of bugs and, most im...

news update security hacking

Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Creates Origami Versions of Iconic Cards

Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Creates Origami Versions of Iconic Cards


True dedication and skill have moved this Yu-Gi-Oh! fan to build the most incredible paper creations...

curiosities yugioh origami

New Cards, Locations and Store Issues hit Marvel Snap

New Cards, Locations and Store Issues hit Marvel Snap


The 'Into the Quantum Realm' update carries on and with it, new cards, locations and store updates h...

news new cards new location

Expanded Deck Tech: ADP Tag Team GX + Dragonite V

Expanded Deck Tech: ADP Tag Team GX + Dragonite V

Rodrigo William

Discover the ADP Tag Team GX with Dragonite V deck, which brings new uses of the tool Sky Seal Stone...

PokémonTCG ADP Dragonite Dragon

Best Staples for Blitz & Classic Constructed in Flesh and Blood

Best Staples for Blitz & Classic Constructed in Flesh and Blood

Rafael de Melo

In this article, I bring the most important cards of the Blitz and Classic Constructed formats, show...

Staples Flesh and Blood

Patch 4.1 Analysis: Is it the end of Jinx Lulu?

Patch 4.1 Analysis: Is it the end of Jinx Lulu?

Tony Lucas

The Star Guardian deck was the most nerfed one in this balancing patch. Gwen remains unchanged. Will...

opinion balancing meta

Legends of Runeterra's first Master player of the season is Grandparoji!

Legends of Runeterra's first Master player of the season is Grandparoji!


The player used a very interesting list to reach the rank of Master for this season! Check out the f...

news competitive ranked

M.O.D.O.K:  Analysis and decks with Marvel Snap's new card!

M.O.D.O.K: Analysis and decks with Marvel Snap's new card!

Tony Lucas

In this article, I analyze M.O.D.O.K. and bring the best decks with him to play in Marvel Snap's new...

Discard Review M.O.D.O.K

New Path to Worlds: Everything about LoR's Competitive Circuit in 2023

New Path to Worlds: Everything about LoR's Competitive Circuit in 2023


Yangzera explains the new Legends of Runeterra competitive circuit, besides talking about the new wa...

news standard eternal competitive

New Game Modes in LoR: Unlimited and Free Decks to Discover!

New Game Modes in LoR: Unlimited and Free Decks to Discover!

Gabriel "Aerebi" Meyer

The Daily Rumbles will break the game's deckbuilding rules, allowing very different decks. Here you ...

competitive lor decks news

Flesh and Blood: Indianapolis Calling's Top 8 + Decks Overview

Flesh and Blood: Indianapolis Calling's Top 8 + Decks Overview


The first tourney after the banlist implemented on January 30th brings the first competitive outlook...

news fabtcg indiana tournament competitive

Scarlet & Violet: A Guide of rarities, design, rotation, ex cards & products

Scarlet & Violet: A Guide of rarities, design, rotation, ex cards & products

Rodrigo William

Get to know the news of the Scarlet / Violet block, along with essential information for the new sea...

Scarlet Violet Rotation

Lore: Elesh Norn - The Grand Cenobite's origins

Lore: Elesh Norn - The Grand Cenobite's origins


Who is Elesh Norn? What are her intentions? What is the purpose of Phyrexia's glory? Learn more abou...

Elesh Norn Phyrexia Lore

LoR: Complete History of the Gangplank Sejuani Deck and How it Evolved

LoR: Complete History of the Gangplank Sejuani Deck and How it Evolved

Gabriel 'total' da Rosa

Come revisit the story of one of the most consistent decks in all Legends of Runterra's history. Eve...

curiosities deck tech

Pauper Duel Commander: Committee Creation, Bans and Updates

Pauper Duel Commander: Committee Creation, Bans and Updates


We've had updates to hitpoints, Commander damage, and two card bans.

news pdh pauper commander

Limited, Pre-Release and Draft - Phyrexia: All Will Be One Spoilers Review

Limited, Pre-Release and Draft - Phyrexia: All Will Be One Spoilers Review

Dereck Duque Estrada

In this article, we will evaluate Phyrexia: All Will Be One set in Limited, Draft and Pre-Release, w...

draft limited prerelease phyrexia

Remember These When Selecting an Online Casino Site

Remember These When Selecting an Online Casino Site


Do you aware that newbies to gambling sometimes find it difficult to decide where and how to play an...

casino online selecting best

Writing Essays Made Easy: Key Things to Remember

Writing Essays Made Easy: Key Things to Remember


Writing a good essay doesn’t need to be one of those challenges, so we’ve compiled 8 key things for ...

essay writing

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