Magic: the Gathering
Pokemon TCG
One Piece TCG
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Rodrigo William
Check out the Top 10 Supporter cards from the franchise that marked my game experience, have good pl...
Pokemon TCG Top 10
Daniel Cataia
This is an article to scare you with old artworks and find out why Magic was the target of religious...
top10 artworks scare
Here is a summary of the shared ideas from many groups of people who are simply escaping the standar...
tribal spelltable commander
Keep up with my Top 10 Best Special Energy cards, for their versatility and playability, besides a s...
Pedro Braga
We've finally come to a point in which we have many playable Urzas in Magic, and enough for a Top 5....
commander Brother's War
Tony Lucas
In this article you will get to know the best decks to guarantee cubes with the Pool 1 cards!
ranking pool 1 decks
Check out my Top 10 for the best item-type cards in the franchise, which have nice playability and v...
Follow a top 10 Item type cards from the franchise that marked my experience with the game and have ...
Pokémon TCG Top 10 Item
In this article, I bring a Top 10 Budget Lands for your Commander decks, using price and efficiency ...
Manabase Budget Top 10 Commander
See the main topics about the Pokémon TCG Live beta, which opened globally on 11/15/2022, and how to...
Pokémon TCGO Live Beta TCG
The Darkin Saga will have its final chapter in December and it will bring 3 new champions. Do you wa...
champions exclusive speculation
Meet the Blastoise VMax deck for the Expanded format, focused on dealing sniper damage on the oppone...
Blastoise Expaned Deck Tech
Ricardo Mattana
Ricardo Mattana presents his Brazilian Pauper Nationals Top 8 Report in 2022. Here you will find inf...
Pauper Report Top 8
Meet the Charizard VMax deck for the Expanded format, picking up the best resources in auxiliary Pok...
Expanded Charizad Deck Tech
Discover how to build the Venusaur VMax deck for the Expanded format, picking up better resources fr...
Venusaur Expanded PokémonTCG
Felipe Torres
A selection of the strongest cards from The Brothers' War for competitive Commander.
cEDH The Brothers' War Top 10
Get to know a little about the Lugia-VStar deck, one of Japan's favorite decks with 50% approval rec...
Lugia Pokémon Deck Tech Silver Tempest
Find out which are the best cards to get from Marvel Snap's Pool 3!
ranking marvel snap pools