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Let's find out together what the new set offers us in terms of news for PDH, a format that has been ...
Cynthia Proença
Do you find Flesh and Blood interesting, but don't want to start out spending much? Here we have all...
commoner fab budget
Rodrigo William
Check out the Top 10 Supporter cards from the franchise that marked my game experience, have good pl...
Pokemon TCG Top 10
Eduardo Silveira
This is an analysis of the pre-constructed deck "Mishra's Burnished Banner", commanded by Mishra, Em...
EDH Grixis Artifact Matters
Ricardo Mattana
Ricardo Mattana presents his Brazilian Pauper Nationals Top 8 Report in 2022. Here you will find inf...
Pauper Report Top 8
An analysis of The Brothers' War Commander Precon: Urza's Iron Alliance, the artifact themed deck le...
EDH Commander Precon Upgrades
Roger Schola
We'll explore a budget version of Mono Red Aggro in Standard, with tips on how to act and a guide on...
Standard Budget Arena
Today we analyze the Commander Starter Deck, Chaos Incarnate, and bring a guide on how to upgrade it...
Commander Precon Upgrades
The Brothers' War is the last release of 2022 for Pauper, and it brings some options to power certai...
Pauper Set Review The Brothers War
Pacto das Guildas
Tolarian Terror decks will receive another upgrade with The Brother's War, and it promises to make b...
The Brothers' War Pauper Highlight
A review of the Starter Commander Deck: Token Triumph, this time the Selesnya Tokens commanded by th...
Commander Selesnya Tokens Upgrades
Pedro Braga
In the quest to present different commanders and strategies, we arrived at Group Slug, a strategy fo...
Commander Top 5 Group Slug
A review of Starter Commander Deck: Grave Danger, a classic Zombies deck with the infamous siblings ...
Commander Grave Danger Upgrades
Despite the flaws in its winconditions and manabase, Dimir Control offers a solid base for players w...
Pioneer Challenger Deck Dimir Control Upgrade
Tiago Fuguete
The “new” Burn has never been so hot, it's one of the most played deck currently, and is extremely p...
Red Aggro Burn Pauper
Burt of Paradise
I'll talk a little about my BG Combo deck focused on sacrifices, known as Project X, leaving some ti...
Pauper Project X Deck Guide
Daniel Cataia
Politics and plenty of hippos. In this article, I explain to you how a giant purple hippo with wings...
Phelddagrif Commander Group Hug
Orzhov Humans is the most focused and well-constructed list among the Pioneer Challenger Decks 2022...
Pioneer Challenger Deck Upgrade Orzhov Humans