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Maro’s Mega-Teaser for set Unfinity

Maro’s Mega-Teaser for set Unfinity


Before previews for Unfinity officially begin, Maro promoted his Duelist-style teasers where he give...

unfinity maro

Tutorial: How to build lineups for tourneys

Tutorial: How to build lineups for tourneys

Tony Lucas

In this article, I explain how Riot Lock works, bring many lineup methods and some tools to help you...

competitive tips lineups

Top 15 Best Tutors for Competitive Commander

Top 15 Best Tutors for Competitive Commander

Felipe Torres

This article brings you the best 15 tutors in the cEDH Metagame currently, ranked by efficiency.

cedh tutors

Pauper EDH: Hightlights from Dominaria United for Pauper Commander

Pauper EDH: Hightlights from Dominaria United for Pauper Commander


The return to Dominaria has brought us several new Legendaries to be our Commanders, as well as many...

Dominaria United Pauper EDH

Top 5 Best Burn Commanders for EDH

Top 5 Best Burn Commanders for EDH

Pedro Braga

In this Commander article, we talk about Magic's most popular archetype, Burn!

Commander burn EDH

Best Staples for Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel

Best Staples for Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel

Diego "Notorius"

Check out a list of the best staple cards right now to use and play Yu-Gi-Oh! at the highest level.

game guide master duel support.

Card Highlight: Temporary Lockdown on Eternal Formats

Card Highlight: Temporary Lockdown on Eternal Formats


Temporary Lockdown is one of the most powerful cards revealed in Dominaria United so far, and it has...

analysis dominaria card

Legacy: 10 Staples that vanished from the format

Legacy: 10 Staples that vanished from the format


We will discuss some cards that were once essential in the format, but now they have lost their maje...

legacy 10 staples

Spelljams: A Soundtrack for your D&D campaign!

Spelljams: A Soundtrack for your D&D campaign!

Leandro Lopes

It was released today, and without fanfare, a vinyl record with songs inspired by the D&D Spelljamme...

news music Dungeons & Dragons

Pauper: 3 Lessons the format taught me

Pauper: 3 Lessons the format taught me


In this article, I present three points about competitive Magic and deckbuilding that stand out in P...

analysis pauper lessons

Top 5 Best Commanders for Group Hug

Top 5 Best Commanders for Group Hug

Pedro Braga

In this article, we discuss the five best commanders for Group Hug, a fun strategy which has been ri...

EDH Commander Top 5

6 Good Commanders for decks near 150 USD

6 Good Commanders for decks near 150 USD

Felipe Torres

In this article, I present six commanders that can make great decks near 150 dollars.

commander edh budget

Pioneer: Modern cards that could fit in the format

Pioneer: Modern cards that could fit in the format


There's been a significant power level boost in Magic in recent years, and many Pioneer staples make...

Pioneer Reprints Modern

Pokémon TCG: Everything about the Standard format

Pokémon TCG: Everything about the Standard format

Rodrigo William

Check out everything about Pokémon-V mechanics in general, how to build a deck, number of cards that...

standard format guide

Forces from Beyond: 10 new decks that are worth trying out

Forces from Beyond: 10 new decks that are worth trying out


Check out 10 new decks with the new Legends of Runeterra champions.

gwen evelynn kai’sa lor forcesfrombeyond deck

Best 5 Tips for League of Legends Betting with Bitcoin

Best 5 Tips for League of Legends Betting with Bitcoin


A selection of five of the most important tips for League of Legends online betting with Bitcoin!

betting league of legends bitcoin

Benefits of Digital Solutions for Selling and Buying a House Online

Benefits of Digital Solutions for Selling and Buying a House Online


What's powering Digital solutions popularity? Here are some benefits digital solutions offer when bu...

house selling benefit

5 Online Casino Bonuses Beginners Should Look For

5 Online Casino Bonuses Beginners Should Look For


In the world of online casinos, you’re going to hear the term ‘bonuses’ thrown around a lot.

bonuses free

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