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Magic: the Gathering
Pokemon TCG
Yu-Gi-Oh TCG
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The end of February brings even more news for all Marvel Snap fans. A new card is announced, a balan...
News new content datamine leak marvel snap
Wizards of the Coast announces details for another set, and this one is Commander themed: Commander ...
news commander commander masters product
The long-awaited Lord of the Rings set product details, schedule and more!
news product lord of the rings magic
Magic: The Gathering's next Spring set for 2023, and the prerelease is here, along with news of a mi...
news mtg new set march of the machine
Dereck Duque Estrada
In this article, we will cover 5 interesting decks that appeared with Phyrexia: All Will Be One on S...
Standard One Decklists
February comes, and with it, MTGO's efforts roll out too to keep the game clean of bugs and, most im...
news update security hacking
Hearthstone's new update comes in with 38 new cards from the mini-set, "Return to Naxxaramas", updat...
news hearthstone mini-set arena
Legends of Runeterra's new format draws in feedback in the game's Beta Tournament Season. Players gi...
news lor daily rumbles feedback
Rodrigo William
Get to know the Yveltal and Flying Pikachu VMax deck with a control archetype, build by Sander Wojci...
PokémonTCG Regional Liverpool Sander Control
Yangzera explains the new Legends of Runeterra competitive circuit, besides talking about the new wa...
news standard eternal competitive
The February banlist brings numerous restrictions for the Tearlaments archetype and other meta cards...
news banlist tearlaments february yugioh
We've had updates to hitpoints, Commander damage, and two card bans.
news pdh pauper commander
In this article, we'll look at the cards that could have the biggest impact on the Standard Metagame...
Standard Phyrexia Review
Get to know the deck that got second place in Liverpool's Regional, in England. This Pokémon almost ...
PokémonTGC Regional Liverpool HisuianGoodra
Get to know the Lucario (Lost Origin) and Claydol (Silver Tempest) deck, which besides being a cheap...
PokémonTCG Lucario Claydol
Get to know the deck from the champion Gibson Archer-Tang, Vikavolt & Aerodactyl VStar, used in the ...
PokémonTCG Aerodactyl Vikavolt
Let's test out the new Phyrexia card in a deck that never saw much play in Pioneer, but it just migh...
spoiler mono-white devotion pioneer
Keep yourself updated with all the information about 2023's Rotation, which will happen in April, so...
PokémonTCG Rotation Sword&Shield