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The frequency of tabletop Standard games has dropped dramatically in the post-pandemic world. In thi...
Standard Arena
Mateus Nogueira
We've reviewed the 10 cards we believe have the most potential for cEDH in The Brother's War supleme...
Review cEDH Transformers The Brothers' War
Felipe Torres
A selection of the strongest cards from The Brothers' War for competitive Commander.
cEDH The Brothers' War Top 10
Roger Schola
Today, we present the review of the most powerful cards in The Brothers' War for Standard!
Review The Brothers' War Standard
Tony Lucas
With the nerfs to Demacia and Ionia, it is very likely we will have Shadow Isles dominating the meta...
opinion balancing meta
Rodrigo William
Meet the amphibious strength of the Poliwag evolutionary line, where Politoed, its final evolution, ...
Standard Deck Tech Politoed
Find out which is the best role and position for you in League of Legends with just 8 questions.
leagueoflegends lol role position quiz
Marcos Sobral
In this article, you will learn about the history of the mighty Exodia, one of the most iconic cards...
Yu-Gi-Oh! Lore
In this article, you will learn about the alternative formats of the Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG: Time Wizard, Hea...
TCG:Alternative Formats Yu-Gi-Oh!
Discover the possibilities with Regidrago VStar, a card that will show up in the Silver Tempest expa...
Standard Preview Regidrago VStar
Pacto das Guildas
Without The Meathook Massacre, will Black-Based archetypes keep its predominance on Standard, or is ...
Standard Competitive Decklist
In this article, I present the best post-banlist decks for beginners in Yu-Gi-Oh!. They are relative...
Yu-Gi-Oh! Decks Beginners
The Meathook Massacre has been banned from Standard, but will its absence be enough to end the Midra...
Ban Standard Metagame
A selection of the strongest Unfinity cards that can appear in cEDH decks.
cEDH Unfinity
Rodrigo Lima "Katsuo"
Get to know the Leona Aurelion Sol list, a match that came to with the latest Daybreak buffs and tha...
Leona Aurelion Sol Targon Daybreak Invoki
It's little wonder that the Irish love a bet and many Irish Betting Sites offer a vast range of prom...
irish bet
Online casino games come in a variety of forms. Popular choices include slots, bingo, roulette, and ...
games casino basic
On a good date, you want to feel a wide range of emotions. You desire happiness, hope, and all the w...
board first dating