Magic: the Gathering
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Pacto das Guildas
Rakdos Scam got a huge upgrade with Lord of the Rings: Tales of Middle Earth and became one of the m...
Modern Deck Guide Rakdos Scam
Boros Pia is the newest variant of Pioneer's Aggro decks, and mixes elements of the old Boros Burn w...
Pia Nalaar Pioneer Deck Guide
Rafael de Melo
In today's article, I bring you a Classic Constructed tech deck from the Empress version of Dromai, ...
Dromai CC Deck Guide
As usual, for MTG's new set, we are graced by Gavin Verhey with 12 new hints about the cards! Check ...
news set commander hints
Gabriel 'total' da Rosa
July 15th's Runeterra Open is coming and, as usual, I bring to you my guide for lineups which will p...
guide competitive runeterra open
Tony Lucas
The "Rise of the Phoenix" season brings some of the Phoenix Force's hosts into the game, including J...
Pool 5 Review July 2023
In this article, we've put together seven tips on how to prepare for and handle large Magic: The Gat...
CommandFest Magic Events
In this article, we'll analyze the Jhin Gnar list, popularly nicknamed Bandle City Yasuo. This deck ...
guide competitive standard
Commander is usually the go-to casual format as it is, but one guy decided to take it further as a s...
news Commander
In this article, you'll learn how to play the best list with the best card in the game currently: Si...
guide deck guide evelynn
A new ban list is announced, and with it comes significant changes for the Classic Constructed. Chec...
Ban FaB July 3
Standard is a format full of midranges and aggro strategies, and for a long time, a real control dec...
Standard Esper Control Deck Guide
In today's article, I bring a Tier list for Commoner, commenting on each deck in the format and thei...
Fab Commoner Tier List
Controversial, Final Fantasy XVI helps redefine what Final Fantasy means, and becomes the title the ...
Review Final Fantasy XVI
Marcos Sobral
In this article, we talk about the impact of anime and manga series on the Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG.
Yu-Gi-Oh! Anime Manga
Pioneer is a format that has powerful combos like Lotus Field and Greasefang. More recently, the for...
Pioneer Deck Guide Rona Combo
The new expansion, Heart of the Huntress, is here! I've brought you 10 lists to test out on the firs...
guide new set decks
In this article, we highlight the main Lord of the Rings cards that appeared in this weekend's big M...
Modern Metagame LotR